I got me 3D printer, awesome!

I have cleaned up and painted the Yoda I printed earlier.

Nay bad :-)



I have one of the first makerbots (#28), it requires far too many parts to upgrade it now though! Im tempted to buy a thing-o-matic. Though that looks like a decent little printer!
I have one of the first makerbots (#28), it requires far too many parts to upgrade it now though! Im tempted to buy a thing-o-matic. Though that looks like a decent little printer!

I remember you posting when you got yours.

This one is ace, although I am experimenting with different bonding material to stop warping. So far Acetate is the best but I have yet to figure out a way to clap it easily to the platform.

Back to blue masking tape for now to test again.
The original makerbots came with an acrylic bed etched with lines. Could try that! Failing that, they upgraded to a heated build platform. Try the wiki.makerbot.com. Everything is open source, so you will be able to find plans.

Does RepG drive this one as well? Just feed it an stl file and your pretty much done?
How long before the op gets an SLA machine. I almost bought a prototype company a few years ago. but got beaten to it by a bigger company with deeper pockets.
You've probably seen some of my videos around the forums too, I am the owner of MakerBot Thing-o-Matic #86. It's a year old next weekend and It's been loads of fun so far, I also have a second one under construction which is more RepRap like, it's an eMaker Huxley #20.

The UP printers are very nice if you just want something that works out of the box and has a ridiculous print quality.

I should also point out Printrbot for those of you looking to do this on the cheap. It's a kickstarter project but looks like it could be very big with a good community around it. I have been asked to print the parts for this printer by a friend who is building one.
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Awesome technology, though I laughed at the spanner thing and talk of it being useful in space, I guess they'll need to make some adjustments before that printer could be used in zero g :)
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