I got me 3D printer, awesome!

If you haven’t already check out the long pins on eBay for unblocking your nozzle! They look like acupuncture needles.

I picked up a kit with spare nozzles and cleaning stuff but I might have to replace the printer soon - I've given it a fair bit of abuse recently printing stuff for electronics projects.
LOL - I've been eyeing up 1-2 models but current one has been doing alright.

The last stuff I used was polycarbonate type transparent filament - minimum temp right at the max of my printer so probably should have made sure it was cleared through once I was done.
Well had another issue last night, cr10s stopped printing part way through a print with filament error. retracted the filament a little and set it to restart, all ok.

Part way through print again did same thing, this time I had a good well bad idea of switching off and back on again. when it came back on all the control box does is flash "creality 3d" on and off and there appears to be a ticking noise from the Z stepper motors.

Have contacted Creality and the suggestion was to flash mainboard, have asked for a replacement board which is being sent out.

Has anyone flashed this machine, if so how do you do it?

Managed to clear the hot end - was a piece of polycarb less than 1mm long that had gone sideways in it somehow and was too far up to get hot enough (minimum temperature for the stuff is the max my printer does) to melt properly.
Having all kinds of problems today :( if I print something within the middle 50% or so of the print bed results are excellent - trying to print anything that goes anywhere near the extremes is just a mess and the one model I'm actually wanting to print for some reason it is trying to print the outline of the holes first - instead of building upto it as it normally does and no amount of tweaking the model file sorts it - despite having another model created off the same template that it approaches fine.

EDIT: Oh well dumped a boat load of Pritt stick (I usually try to avoid it) on top of the tape and it seems to be sticking to the bed when printing the outlines :s still probably gonna need a lot of cleaning up around those parts at the end though.
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The bed itself is flat - the printer itself isn't on the best of surfaces for flatness or stability :( as I'm kind of limited in places to put it - though I've done my best to level it out with a spirit level, etc. heh.

I've abused this printer so much though I'm surprised it is still producing results at all.

EDIT: Not having much luck at the moment - somewhere around 7 hours into a 15 hour print the nozzle stopped feeding properly :( not sure if its the abuse I've given the printer or related to the filament I'm using which I've not printed with before.

EDIT2: Was a mixture of the nozzle still not 100% clear and the filament I was using not feeding from the reel the best - had to strip down and clean the hot end and then manually make sure the reel was feeding every 10 minutes or so for a 15 hour print :|
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Got myself a Monoprice Select Plus a couple of weeks back after much trying to decide if I wanted to build or buy. It's been going ever since :) It's a good thing to tinker with, had some great results so far, for not much effort on my part. Just switched to some white "technologyoutlet" PLA filament I got as a warehouse deal for £10 and I have been really impressed with it, seems to behaving a lot better than the others I have been using. It's a little transparent though so needs thicker walls. I totally agree with the thread title, 3D printing is awesome.
Got myself a Monoprice Select Plus a couple of weeks back after much trying to decide if I wanted to build or buy. It's been going ever since :) It's a good thing to tinker with, had some great results so far, for not much effort on my part. Just switched to some white "technologyoutlet" PLA filament I got as a warehouse deal for £10 and I have been really impressed with it, seems to behaving a lot better than the others I have been using. It's a little transparent though so needs thicker walls. I totally agree with the thread title, 3D printing is awesome.

I've got the Monoprice Select Mini - reasonably good for an out the box experience - been looking at the latest version of the Select Plus as a bit bigger build volume wouldn't go amiss. I believe both use the ARM controller which is nice as it gives smoother movement than some of the older ones. Downside though I hear they are really designed for more casual use - with heavy duty apparently the hotend can need replacing fairly quickly and sometimes the wires to the bed can wear down and/or become loosened from their connections (not sure if that is all versions and/or fixed in V2, etc.).
Don't usually do stuff like this - mostly print functional parts but remembered I had some old placeholder models of chess pieces I'd done for a video game years ago - pretty rough and ready, not pretty and definitely not designed for 3D printing and was curious as to what would happen if I just chucked them at the printer unedited (other than adjusting the scale as the original files would have resulted in trying to print a 3 foot high model heh):


On the left a screenshot of the model from the editor.

Didn't even need any real cleaning up I'm quite impressed - especially the overhanging bits I didn't think would print well at all.
Well fitted some dampeners to my CR10S - wow what a difference that made, all movement now is ever so quiet.

Just need to change fans over and I'll be a happy bunny.

Couldn’t resist buying a Creality Ender 3 from banggood. On offer at the moment £150, absolute bargain. Going to keep it in school so I don’t have to keep dismantling my CR-10, that’s my excuse anyway :D
Not 3d printer, but thought you guys would be the most likely to know.
Where can I order some pre cut (CNC) wood.
Essentially S shaped pieces around 4ftx2ft.
Couldn’t resist buying a Creality Ender 3 from banggood. On offer at the moment £150, absolute bargain. Going to keep it in school so I don’t have to keep dismantling my CR-10, that’s my excuse anyway :D

Not much more money elsewhere in the UK at the moment as well - supposedly a pretty decent offering though I think I'd buy the Monoprice clone, albeit quite a bit more expensive, as it requires less assembly and supposedly the ARM controller in that is a bit better.
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