How hard was that to get working? did it not come with any software at all?
also, awesome
Well, it is a bit of a lottery on these things. Most come with a board that works only with the software designed for it. Great for engraving and stuff. Not good for those (me) who want precise vector cutting.
On this one I noticed the digital control panel. This is a TopWisdom USB board and very neat indeed. Somebody imported it with all the bells and whistles, but probably gave up trying to get it to work. It had a total of 50 jobs passed on it, and the last one stored was a Chinese symbol. So I assume it was a factory test.
So a little research and a good look at the board reveals it has an FTDI chip on it. FTDI is a rs232 to TTL converter or a USB Serial port. Plugged it in and it enumerated as a virtual com port. This is good as it means the software to control it was not propriety.
A quick Google and I quickly found the plugin's and drivers on another Chinese website that uses the TopWisdom board in their laser machines.
Now I may use AutoCad, 3dMax etc, but my tool of choice is CorelDraw. I actually prefer it over Illustrator, and lucky for me the Laser manufacturers all seem to like it.
I got a direct plugin for Corel. Plugged in the laser, set the plugin to the correct com port, and I could connect. I was able to read off the configuration settings, prooving comms worked.
I drew a few simple vectors, and set them in different colours. Hit the laser output button, and it showed me all the objects. I could set different speeds and powers for each coloured line. Also the cutting order, so you can cut holes 1st then the outer cut. Also engrave 1st then cut. There are lots of options and I am slowly figuring out what they do.
So that was it, not too hard really. If you are comfortable with hardware and know what a com port it, you can probably get one working too.