That is so awesome, I want one just to play around with but knowing me I'd probably burn everything.
It also reminds me of when people used to use magnifying glasses to burn ants (weird I know)
Anyone else thinking of setting it up to follow the mouse cursor in real time, and putting a large acrylic plate inside with an ant on it?
BTW It is a 40Watt (That is Watts of power not Milliwatts as you get on the laser diodes. This is a C02 laser and yup I have already burnt my self using it)
When I was aligning the mirrors, I hit the pulse button with my hand still in there.
Meridian said:Pulsed or continuous? Many moons ago I used to built big CO2 lasers for a company called Coherent. Those were 1kW in pulse mode, and could cut through 3mm of aluminium. Mind you, they were also sixteen feet long!
Buy one of these...
Reenact this...
And post us the video
(it was the first thing that came to mind)
I can tattoo one on your forehead, may sting abit tho'