Sandybridge is definitely panning out to be the most significant step in CPU technology in recent times.
The Intel Xeon seems to be the top dog in the processor world. Can anyone enlighten me as to why these chips are so fast?
That's pretty good. The cpu vcore @ 1.376v is spot on with Intel recommend and also your memory ram volt at 1.50V is spot on with cpu pll is spot on below 1.8v and finally your BCLK base is fine at 100MHz. That's pretty good 4.8GHz, what temperature is that dave ?
Couple of those dead chips are below 1.3v...
I wish you had said that last night. already ordered a 8GB corsair kit, £30 more than 4x2GB
God damn you dave beast.
I am this -><- close to putting an order similar to your spec but using a 2500K and a MSI P67A-GD65.
How is that CoolerMaster Hyper 212 plus cooler?