I have been sacked...

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Today I have been talking to a Manager of one of our local McDonalds.
I asked her if an employee told her to FO could they be sacked on the spot?
She said according to ACAS rules she would have to suspend the employee and then give 24 hours notice for a formal meeting.
She also told me that all Managers go through this training and would know the rules.

So OP, get yourself a Solicitor for unfair dismissal.

That's only policy, it certainly isn't law.
and to be offered management i was chuffed

I find it amusing that someone was chuffed to be offered a managerial role (even though he wasn't really - owned!) @ McDonalds.

And yes I worked there, but only while I was at college. Seriously - who aspires to be a manager @ McDonalds?
I find it amusing that someone was chuffed to be offered a managerial role (even though he wasn't really - owned!) @ McDonalds.

I think you are very narrow minded and I don't think for one second (if the incident really happened) that he aspires to be a Manager at McDonalds.
There is no doubt about it that if I had had experience of being a McDonalds Manager I would be in a job now that pays £12,000 more but instead they chose somebody else because they had Managerial experience for 6 months in a retail shop.
Any job experience is worth adding to your CV.

A few weeks later...


Pure Genius & Pure Pawnage rolled into one thread. :D

Eggface :p
Unlucky eggface!

You have to rename yourself on these forums now, also go back and give that bitch a slap for totally owning you ;)
Here is my days story (Would happen on Friday)...

I work at McDonalds part time (I am at university) and up untill now, i loved working there. I got on with the people, and i did enjoy the work that i was doing. Right so, getting to the point....Today i turned up to work an 20 mins early, and i said to my manager "Thought i would come in early to help out" She said "That is silly, you work your normal hours and nothing else" This fumed me, since all i was doing was my days good deed, so i said (Which i regret) " of, i am sick of being treated like this. I do my best for this company and all i get is NO SWEARING" She then looked at me for about 5 seconds, and she said "I no longer want you working for me" I said fine, i can just go up the road to KFC and get a job...Then all of a sudden she says "Wait...The truth is, you have great potential and i do not want to lose you. Would you consider management training?" Lol i was stunned...I love working their, and to be offered management i was chuffed. Anyway, after saying yes and apologising to her for the language, she said "I'm joking...Now get lost eggface" I have no idea what an eggface is! Anyway yeah, what a day...I feel so low.

would that be classed as unfair dismissal
Sounds like flirting to me. She wants to sit on your face and try and lay an egg, she can't be too formal due to sexual assault claims. Besides, she's just a small town girl living in a lonely world.

Next time you see her ask if you can lick her McFlurry.
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