i just got dead space 2 but i'm so disappointed

Well done Gareth, hope you enjoy DS2 (it's a great game). Well done to everyone else who got involved too esp. theAskACapper.

Haven't looked in here for a few days but see Gareth's video pop up on my youtube and saw DS2 being played made me smile :)

Great to see you being able to play the game finally, and hopefully other developers take note and include fully customisable mapping in future games so you can enjoy them with minimal hassle. :)
Well done, Gareth.

March will be hot on the new games.
In what new games would you like to play? :)

i like most FPS and driving games

i have just got Bulletstorm which a really good game also.

i have done a video of it which i'll upload it in the morning,
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Really? Links?

Are you slow? Have you read the thread?

People from around the world have shown support for this cause. Gareth has had emails from people in many countries.

The team in charge of the patch change, iirc, were based in Australia? Some Dev team in contact were thats for sure.

This story has been featured in PC Gamer, Kotaku, TheReg, The Escapist websites, to name a FEW.

Probably not that global though...need links for proof...perhaps read the first post?
So what you busy with now campaign wise for controls now that ds2 has been patched tho not fully like you wanted. Will you keep at ds2 devs to make it fully customisable or are you content to leave it the way it is and not gona campaign along with cappa for fully not just almost fully?
So what you busy with now campaign wise for controls now that ds2 has been patched tho not fully like you wanted. Will you keep at ds2 devs to make it fully customisable or are you content to leave it the way it is and not gona campaign along with cappa for fully not just almost fully?
well Visceral as promised to put fully customisable controls in all they future games. so far i've not did issues playing DS 2 since the patch. but tbh theres reason why they didn't do it fully.

codemaster are really good at fully customisable controls , also they've promised to continue doing it

i'm still campaigning for full customisable for all games. next ones are ea such fifa 11 ect, and rockstar such as gta IV ect..

everytime i buy a game i worry about if i can play it or not,.. it shouldn't be like this.. like with Bulletstorm i was in the shop looking at it thinking should i buy it what if i can't play it, lucky it has full customisable controls ...
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I agree.

Also interesting reply gareth. :)

If you ever get through to rockstar tell em to patch in anti alising while their patching in customisable controls, lol, or tell em to not used crappy deferred lighting so aa will work. :D
Hi Gareth.
I have just read about this on Steam in the DS2 news i must say your a skilled gamer for being able to use just a mouse and an xbox controller controlled with your chin. How you manage to do it is beyond me i would never have the patience for that.

Its good to see that some developers are recognising that disabled people do play games and are actually catering for there needs.

I hope you manage to get something sorted about them putting information on the boxes and maybe they will impliment it with all as they do with the rating system.

Good luck and keep us posted on the progress.
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