i just got dead space 2 but i'm so disappointed

The game patched to allow for the customisation he needs, a free £550+ graphics card, free Dead Space Downfall and Aftermath Blu-Rays and some other dead space posters and bits and also a couple of figures. And some free games, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (CoP?) MW2, Far Cry 2 and Shogun 2 and a free copy of 3DMark 11, that's about it I think.

Also been featured on several gaming news sites and in PC Gamer magazine about gaming accessability.

Not bad eh :p
This thread and the interest it has generated on other websites, and generally amongst the gaming community, be it amateurs or professionals, has provided something tangible and hopefully ongoing. I don't want to speak too soon just yet, but I feel quietly confident that at the very least some developers will make controls fully customisable in future titles. Why they weren't in the first place I have no idea.
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The game patched to allow for the customisation he needs, a free £550+ graphics card, free Dead Space Downfall and Aftermath Blu-Rays and some other dead space posters and bits and also a couple of figures. And some free games, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (CoP?) MW2, Far Cry 2 and Shogun 2 and a free copy of 3DMark 11, that's about it I think.

Also been featured on several gaming news sites and in PC Gamer magazine about gaming accessability.

Not bad eh :p
and a copy of dirt 3 in may . :)
This thread and the interest it has generated on other websites, and generally amongst the gaming community, be it amateurs or professionals, has provided something tangible and hopefully ongoing. I don't want to speak too soon just yet, but I feel quietly confident that at the very least some developers will make controls fully customisable in future titles. Why they weren't in the first place I have no idea.
yeah some developers have promised for fully customisable controls . now i want the others to do the same..

i guess the way to do it is to get a game that doesn't have fully customisable made by each company then show each one why it's important to have fully customisable controls.

this seemed to of worked with Visceral
WOW, only just seen this thread. This is what makes OCUK the community that it is :)

Awesome stuff Gareth, and I'm so pleased you got what you deserved.. plus a whole lot more!
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Its sad that there has to be a petition for something as basic as customising controls. Seems that developers are ignornant to the needs of people with disabilitys.
Its sad that there has to be a petition for something as basic as customising controls. Seems that developers are ignornant to the needs of people with disabilitys.

I don't think they're ignorant, I think it's down to them not really knowing and wanting to get the game out as fast as possible, it would be great though if console manufacturers actually made control mappings as part of the Operating system rather than up to the developers though, it's harder to enforce it on Pc.
I don't think they're ignorant, I think it's down to them not really knowing and wanting to get the game out as fast as possible, it would be great though if console manufacturers actually made control mappings as part of the Operating system rather than up to the developers though, it's harder to enforce it on Pc.

It's not just disability problems either - I'm left handed, and if a game doesn't properly support control remapping properly (like Dead Space 1) it can make games unplayable for me.

I'm amazed that some PC games are released that are essentially unplayable for 10% of their audience simply because they didn't do the control binding properly. It's bad enough when games won't let you use more than 3 mouse buttons without preventing you from rebinding major keys like the arrow keys.
like many others i have only just stumbled along this thread.

Gareth, it may be a cliche but you really are an inspiration. Great work to everyone who helped as well and great that they patched the game for you. Hopefully they will learn this for future games as well.

Keep on gaming.
I don’t normally post much more of a lurker reader then poster, just read this thread from start to finish and just lost for words

Gareth you are truly inspirational, much respect for you mate

Hats off to you and all forum members/AMD/Ocuk Staff.
Such a heart warming thread :)
I could have sworn id posted in this thread before now, no matter though. Excellent news on the patches and all the free goodies Gareth, bet you werent expecting all that when you started this thread :D
PAX East was great awesome developer feedback... will be posting a video update this week. Brink remapping was awesome. Slam Bolt Scrappers remapping was equally great!
An interview from PAX!

Petition song

Chuck the CAPper

Someone stepping up! i like it.
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In all this thread I think it's the 1st time i have heard the idea in your vid of a universal symbol to slap on a game to show it meets full re-mapping standards. I think that is a pretty simple yet great idea, often the best ideas are simple.

While it sounds like a lot of work (design symbol, maybe get sony and microsoft to buy into it as they probably have some standards thing before you can put a certain logo on the back etc) I for one can't wait for the day this symbol is common place on the back of games!

Keep up the good work there Chuck
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