I know everyone says this but i'm never going out drinking again.

Neon said:
pethetic i spent 55 quid last saturday.

14 jack daniels and cokes.

8 Sambukas.

2 pints of stella.

2 pints of strongbow.

1 vodka and coke

and thats what i can remember!!

Make a list did you :rolleyes:
30/40 sounds about right but it really depends on where you going out, who your going with, if its an occasion, and the rounds :eek: and of course the bigger the group the bigger the round, the more it cost
Mikol said:
£40. That's a reasonable figure. Although, my taxis are dirt cheap. If I can be bothered to get one from the station, it costs me a few pound more than minimum fare. If that. If not, my night out costs a wee bit more.

Yup, Its about what I spend... Taxi is probs the cheapest thing I have to get all night :o (£6 from Leicester City Centre -> My house :p )
uk_viper said:
30/40 sounds about right but it really depends on where you going out, who your going with, if its an occasion, and the rounds :eek: and of course the bigger the group the bigger the round, the more it cost

That is the thing that gets slightly irritating though, in theory a big round should cost you no more in real terms than having the same number of drinks in a small round of mates or even by yourself. It is only the fact that people duck out of rounds or will accept a drink and then not join the system that ends up costing you more. I've been pretty lucky so far and people haven't just chosen the most expensive drink when it is my round, they'd get forced to buy me the same back if they did though.

As for how much I'd spend on an average night, unless I'm trying to save money or I'm lucky it will almost always cost at least £40 with it quite often going over. Having said how much I spend I'd also say there is little point in listing how much you can drink, it doesn't make you any more or less of a man plus from what I can tell it seems to be mainly genetic which makes it even less to boast about as you have no real impact on it :)
Spamalot said:
Make a list did you :rolleyes:

Thats what I was thinking, and you only spent 55 quid how? Were you drinking singles you big girl? 14 dbl/treble jack and cokes would be around 40 quid on its own.

Also learn how to spell sambuca.

I spend a lot of money when I'm out but aslong as I have fun I dont really care.

vonhelmet said:
Well, I do think the government's definition is a bit excessive. I prefer the one I saw on wikipedia that described binge drinking as drinking for the sole purpose of getting drunk.

I like the feeling of being drunk. Just like when people take other drugs, they do so because they like the feeling of whatever intoxicant takes their fancy, I'll never disputed this.

I don't see why people see this as such a bad thing, it's not like alchohol is so popular because everyone likes the taste over soft-drinks.

KaHn said:
Thats what I was thinking, and you only spent 55 quid how? Were you drinking singles you big girl? 14 dbl/treble jack and cokes would be around 40 quid on its own.

Also learn how to spell sambuca.

Whoah, why is everyone jumping on him. All it needs is a simple 'That's not that much'. Besides, as has been previously stated, who cares how much someone can and cannot drink :/ As long as you enjoy yourself, it's pretty much a moot point.

Ant :cool:
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I get drunk way to fast when I do drink maybe thats because it's a rare thing for me to drink so my bodies not use to it. Unless it's Coka Cola I'm an hardcore caffeine drinker. All this suger and caffeine may be the reason I'm still up at this hour. :D
WatchTower said:
I get drunk way to fast when I do drink maybe thats because it's a rare thing for me to drink so my bodies not use to it. Unless it's Coka Cola I'm an hardcore caffeine drinker. All this suger and caffeine may be the reason I'm still up at this hour. :D

You do realise that the actually amount you are drunk will be the same as every one else who has drank the same as you, the more experienced just have control not to dance on the tables with their trousers round their ankles :D

Andy100 said:
40 quid :eek:

I'm reconning you're not from London then ;)


£40 is barely a night out.

£20 drinks before going out
£10 on the door
5 x £5 drinks at club
£5 kebab etc
£5 taxi back

= £65 pretty effortlessly assuming I stick to cheap drinks and it's only £10 on the door.

£10 martinis add up ;)
Seft said:

£40 is barely a night out.

£20 drinks before going out
£10 on the door
5 x £5 drinks at club
£5 kebab etc
£5 taxi back

= £65 pretty effortlessly assuming I stick to cheap drinks and it's only £10 on the door.

£10 martinis add up ;)

Went out with Hedge last week after work (I finish at 11pm, bar work) and managed to spend 60 quid without really trying :confused:


/edit:- without taxis and 50% off entry to the carp club we went to.
I once spent about 150 when I was out , but that included a drunken night in a lap dancing club where I got a bit carried away.

I was to say the least hacked off the next day when I checked my bank account
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