I know it's late but I've ordered Far Cry.

Úlfhednar said:
It's the 1.4b patch I think.
Just checked the Far Cry forums and it seems the 1.4b patch is a leaked patch and not recommended. I found a thread that seemed to tell you how to setup HDR without the 1.4b patch.
Farcry is my fav FPS next to Duke 3d and Goldeneye.

The only thing that lets it down IMO is the quality of the last two levels. I wonder if theres been a mod to improve it.
What I liked most about the game is the apparent limitless options of routes to take across the island. In an early level I had to get to a camp to turn a switch (or something). I had been following a road in a jeep which went to the said camp, when a cliff appeared to the left of the road. Instead of carrying on down the road I decided to drive off the cliff stuntman style, get out in mid air, and swim following the coastline to a beach, then off to my objective, probably avoiding lots of hostiles along the road in the process :cool:
vonhelmet said:
There's a level about halfway through, I think it's called Rebellion, and it's just awesome. So big, so open, so many routes... it's incredible.

Yep, Rebellion is one of the best levels. You go outside and find a big war going on, there's a glider, buggy etc and you can go all over the place.

Other highlights for me were Treetops (very cool looking level, trigens running about below etc) and Swamp (where you have to assault this little merc camp and steal a vehicle).
I've been playing through farcry again on an X1900XT (first played it on an G4 ti4200) and to be honest the game is easily one of the top 5 best FPS games ever. The game looks fantastic and runs incredibly smooth for the level of graphics its putting out. Seriously, some of the indoor scenes look better than f.e.a.r yet run at twice the framerate!

Also don't bother with the beta patch that enables HDR+AA because it looks a bit too overdone and can be distracting in many places. I'd just stick to the 1.33 patch and enable the 'paradise' rendering mode, which runs a lot better and actually looks more realistic. Also try to use adaptive AA if you can, since normal AA doesn't seem to anti-alias the leaves/trees/plants etc, which make up most of the outdoor maps.
imo one of the most underrated and underhyped games ever. :)

brilliant game and kept me amused for months. deathmatch is even pretty good but it never took off as well as hl2/cs:s though which is a shame.

the hardware i played it on at the time wasnt brilliant but it flew... i think its one of the better coded games and it shows.
helpimcrap said:
imo one of the most underrated and underhyped games ever. :)

You must be joking, everyone raves about FarCry but I was very underwhelmed when I picked it up a couple of weeks ago. Nice graphics but fairly ordinary gameplay. And the hit detection on those things that swipe at you with their claws is miles off, makes the game really frustrating at times. One of them swung at me and killed me when he was clearly nowhere near me... :mad:

It's not a bad game, pretty solid FPS, just doesn't strike me as being as exceptional as others feel it is.

Perhaps someone could point out to me what I seem to be missing? ;) This is an honest request, I'm not trying to stir the pot or be a big spoilsport or something.
helpimcrap said:
imo one of the most underrated and underhyped games ever. :)

brilliant game and kept me amused for months. deathmatch is even pretty good but it never took off as well as hl2/cs:s though which is a shame.

the hardware i played it on at the time wasnt brilliant but it flew... i think its one of the better coded games and it shows.

My thoughts exactly.

I played Farcry from start to finish. I played HL2 but got bored of it very quickly.
I'm stuck on the treetop level, where is the keycard? :confused: I've found the scientist with the white coat in a alcove/cave bit but it's not there.
Is there just the one version of far cry? Or is there any expansion packs? Have it on order with the OcUK games bundle.
Thanks for the mods n patches info everyone :)
I've had Farcry for about 18 months or so and only just recently played it to completion (not without a couple of cheats though :p ).

It was far nicer playing it the second time around as I've upgraded my PC since I bought the game and am now able to put most of the settings on maximum.

Once you've got into it you won't be disappointed, it's really quite addictive.

I agree with the earlier comments about Painkiller. Another classic game I go back to every now and again :cool:
dark_shadow said:
Right It's arrived along with the 1.33 patch. :D

Are there any newer patches than this?
There is a 1.4b patch. But apparently that was a leak and isn't even beta. The word on the Far Cry forums is don't touch it with a barge pole. Word!:p

Just install Far Cry, the 1.3, 1.31 and 1.33 patches in that order and play the ruddy game.;)
LabR@t said:
1.4b is fine u get loverly HDR+4*AA oh thats sweet

mind you i turn off hdr indoors , looks too much IMO
I might as well give it a try. Got any links? Google isn't working in FF here for some weird reason.
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