I know it's late but I've ordered Far Cry.

just decided to play this again, first time since it came out. Going to complete it on realistic ... again. anything less just isnt manly ;)

HangTime said:
You need:

64bit patch
64bit enhanced content
1.4 (beta)

If you want to play on line DO NOT install either the leaked 1.4
Or the 64 bit content.
Both will see you kicked an potentially banned by punkbuster.

There is a way, to get both 32 bit and 64 bit installations to coexist let me know if you need to do this and i can post how.

The official release of 1.4 is currently in testing. While it will suposedly provide HDR support to ATI cards, the patch is primarily aim at multiplayer, the leaked version (Dated Oct 05) should not be considered to be representative of the final release.

The 1.4 equivalent for 64 bit will allegedly follow.

For tech tips, walkthroughs, general discussion etc visit the
Ubisoft Far Cry Forum [/shamlessplug1]

If playing on line, you will also need to download custom maps. The best resource for that is www.farcry-maps.com

You need to register, but its free and the site includes mods (including Obsidian Edge which has been selected by Crytek to recieve the Crysis Pre-SDK and have Crytek support during development www.obsidianedge.net [/shamlessplug2]), single maps, map packs, and for ease also provides torrents of "everything you need to play Far Cry".
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Ah not what I meant, but yes you can...

I meant you can get the 1.33 32 bit installed game working on 64 bit OS so you can play MP. And still have an install of the 64bit ver for SP only.

What you need for 64bit content on a 32bit machine is described here:

Beware the warnings about PB, if you dont remove the additional files you might be banned on MP servers.
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paradise mode looks awesome, great game now the 1.33 patch is installed. runs sweet aswell, personally i think it looks the best game there is (and its reasonably old now)

Had my first go on mulitplayer yesterdau since it first came out and its so much better. great game

I've been playing with the 64 bit patches and it looks great. But I got to the end of the Control level where you come out of the vent ontop of a big fight between a bunch or workers and some trigens/fat boy. Killed all the baddies below me went down and through the door - where the music slowly fadded out and my gun disappeared (like all other end of levels), but it didn't finish. Tried it quite a few times and it just wouldn't end the level.

Reinstalled with the 64 patches again and it still wouldn't end, so reinstalled without them and it went straight into the next level. Anyone else have issues with this?
ScarySquirrel said:
What is paradise mode?

go into graphics options and you can change the rendering mode to things like cartoon and paradise. paradise does something nice with the lighting, sort of like fake hdr. try it, it does look better (imo of course)

not my pics but they do look nice (from the screenshots thread)




Is there anyway to unlock levels, ive always got to the middle of the game then i reformat my computer or get new hard drives and such.

Just got a X1900XT-X and really looking forward to playing it flawlessly for the first time after i get all these patches, why dont they do them collectively. Should i get this patch? the 1.4b one.
5bjoshua said:
Just got a X1900XT-X and really looking forward to playing it flawlessly for the first time after i get all these patches, why dont they do them collectively. .
I agree wity you mate, I also found it a bit of a pain to install three different patches before I could play the game.

A single patch that updates everything would be very welcome :)
5bjoshua said:
Is there anyway to unlock levels, ive always got to the middle of the game then i reformat my computer or get new hard drives and such.

Just got a X1900XT-X and really looking forward to playing it flawlessly for the first time after i get all these patches, why dont they do them collectively. Should i get this patch? the 1.4b one.

Been playing it and can truley say its a different game with a different set-up. The game is so far ahead of its time its unbelieveable. Graphics are superb!

Ill recommend to anyone to play it again especially the people who though it was rubbish in the first place, these people undoubtedly have new rigs by now.
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