I lose so my fps in a game but my pc is pretty decent?

24 Jan 2020
I got given this PC a couple of years ago so I don’t actually have massive PC knowledge, I understand the basics but I really don’t know how to solve my issue when I got given a really good PC. I’ve played two pretty intensive games COD and Fortnite. In Fortnite I’d run 144fps but I’d get these stutters where I would drop FPS down to 40, it would happen more often than not while in combat. My graphics settings were all either medium or low, so I never really maxed out the settings. With COD (Modern Warfare) it’s really frustrating, the game looks so beautiful on a PC but at the minute I’ve had to lower my settings so much that i might as well play on console (it’s currently capped at 50fps) the problem was that every time an enemy came onto my screen, my computer freaked out, dropping to like 10fps but doing this consistently throughout games. At the moment COD states it’s using 2762 out of my 6000mb RAM so surely it shouldn’t be running like this?

Im really bad with the PC specs, so if I miss info out please just lmk what I need to get.

GeForce GTX 980 Ti
i7-6700k CPU @ 4.00GHz
1.8TB Storage (1.26TB Free)

I’m currently using windows 10 as well.

Any help of advise would be very much appreciated!!
Might be worth sticking another 8 gig of ram in there. What's the motherboard?. I had same problem when I stuck my 5700xt in my old Intel I5 pc but all is well in my Ryzen build. I guess my gpu was too good for my cpu. Although yours looks decent. What's your power supply?
Install an application like MSI Afterburner and enable the setting that displays an overlay of system resource utilisation (can't remember the name). When you experience a slowdown, look to this overlay and see what's maxxed out.
My advice would be to check what background apps and tasks are running, modern AAA game engines are starting to stress older processors with quad-core CPU’s most likely to see inconsistent frame times (stuttering), if you want to run at high refresh rate at higher quality settings you need to start planning an upgrade of CPU and motherboard. Best low-cost option would be a Ryzen 5 3600 and a B450 motherboard.

If you watch GamersNexus or Hardware Unboxed on YouTube you’ll find some useful information on this, in particular Hardware Unboxed have some good videos on optimising graphics settings in games.
Is the 8GB 1x8 or 2x4?

Are you closing everything in the background before you run those games? (like, you don't have 20 Chrome tabs open, right?)

How are your temps looking (CPU and GPU)?
My advice would be to check what background apps and tasks are running, modern AAA game engines are starting to stress older processors with quad-core CPU’s most likely to see inconsistent frame times (stuttering), if you want to run at high refresh rate at higher quality settings you need to start planning an upgrade of CPU and motherboard. Best low-cost option would be a Ryzen 5 3600 and a B450 motherboard.

I was always under the impression that this a 6700k to 3600 would be a side grade right now? In the future who knows. Would be not be better investing in another 8 gb stick of RAM and a new graphics card if he wants more frames?
I would:

Add some more memory. Although those games will play OK with 8Gb it may be stumbling when background tasks are using resources. (Seen a 16Gb DDR4 3200Mhz Kit recently for about £60 Sell off your old memory)
Make sure that your cooler is up to the job and is clean. If it is clogged with dust it may not be efficient and causing the cpu to throttle under heavy tasks. (£30-40 should do the job)
Add an SSD (As mentioned above) Even if its only a SATA one it can make a big difference in games especially when they have to queue up textures and assets. (500Gb SATA one should set you back about £50. Add another 20 for NVME if your board supports it)

Hope that helps.
Install an application like MSI Afterburner and enable the setting that displays an overlay of system resource utilisation (can't remember the name). When you experience a slowdown, look to this overlay and see what's maxxed out.
Afterburner won't work for Fortnite - for whatever reason Epic's anti-cheat technology disables it if it's running

I was always under the impression that this a 6700k to 3600 would be a side grade right now? In the future who knows. Would be not be better investing in another 8 gb stick of RAM and a new graphics card if he wants more frames?
6700k is fine - a 3600 is a side grade unless you know you are definitely limited by number of threads. Fortnite runs fine on a potato however, so such an upgrade wouldn't help in this instance.

In Fortnite are you playing Fullscreen or Windowed-Fullscreen? Just upgraded my Son's PC to a 144hz screen, and whilst Windowed-Fullscreen is preferable for switching between the game and other apps e.g. Chrome etc, it causes horrendous framerate variation on his AMD Card. Switching to Fullscreen eliminated the drops and gave a healthy framerate increase (As his card 380x isn't quite powerful enough to maintain 144fps).

SSD and Dual Channel Ram mentioned above are good suggestions to check as well
I would just sell your cpu ram and motherboard and grab a b450 16gb ram and either a 3600 or a 3700x and with the crazy price used intel cpus go for your net spend would only be about 50-150 quid and for that your gaining 2 or 4 extra cores which will stop those frame drops and an upgrade path in the future.
I would just sell your cpu ram and motherboard and grab a b450 16gb ram and either a 3600 or a 3700x and with the crazy price used intel cpus go for your net spend would only be about 50-150 quid and for that your gaining 2 or 4 extra cores which will stop those frame drops and an upgrade path in the future.
Whilst it's a good cost effective upgrade option, it still may not solve the issue. My son runs Fortnite on a 4ghz 2500k/380x at 1080P 144hz and it doesn't experience the big frame drops the op is mentioning.

It works fine, you just need to configure RTSS to run in stealth mode.
Ah thanks
Whilst it's a good cost effective upgrade option, it still may not solve the issue. My son runs Fortnite on a 4ghz 2500k/380x at 1080P 144hz and it doesn't experience the big frame drops the op is mentioning.

Its maybe the ram causing the slowdowns so getting another 8gb maybe a short term fix but still as time goes on 4/8 cpus are only going to perform worse as games which are already making use of more cores and with no higher core count cpus available with the current montherboard selling now while the cpu still commands a good price and switching to ryzen is a great option.
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