I met a Romanian online and she comes to me!

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Are foreign whores that much cheaper? I doubt it, the first fumble might be half price compared to the brittish slagathors but once you start paying her rent and for her family's new bowling shoes, it really wont be worth the exotic herpes you contracted.
Are foreign whores that much cheaper? I doubt it, the first fumble might be half price compared to the brittish slagathors but once you start paying her rent and for her family's new bowling shoes, it really wont be worth the exotic herpes you contracted.

The ones in china cost as much as a pint.
I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread with the title 'I'm a Romanian woman going to meet an English man'

I still don't believe this though, especially without any pictures.
I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread with the title 'I'm a Romanian woman going to meet an English man'

I still don't believe this though, especially without any pictures.

Surely it would say 'I met an English man online and I go to him!'

I'm not sure he is English right enough.
Just protect yourself financially and medically and I shouldn't see a problem, even if she turns out to be a bunny boiler...
Not sure if it's broken English, an attempt at humour that failed cause of poor grasp of English or the most terrifying insight into a person's mind I've ever seen.

Yeah, both this and the other thread have some very interesting use of English. Seems like the thesaurus was opened at some points as if the OP was struggling to find the right word or was translating.

"She smiled and looked surprised from the liquidity of my kindness/generosity"

IIRC the OP mentioned he was of Mediterranean decent so there is a possibility that this is what he is doing at some points.

The OP also writes in a story telling fashion rather than a couple of lines. I for one prefer his story twist narrative as it is far more amusing than "Met a bird on a sexcam site and paying for her plane ticket to visit.". Maybe it is this storytelling style that is convincing others of the max troll level. Troll or not, who cares. It is entertainment when sitting at work on a quiet day.

300 quid is about an hours worth of sexytime in London, so is a right bargain for 6 days worth. OP just needs to make sure he gets his moneys worth ant the very least and be prepared for the red badge of courage if she pulls that excuse out of the hat.

Been reading that thread about the romanian scams where they send the money out to them. All I can say is yes he may be a fool for this but at least he didnt send her money and sent her a ticket. She doesnt show up lets hope he has some sense to not do it again. She has nothing to gain by this "scam" as she doesnt receive any money. He would have her address or an address at least to make sure that he can report her.

In a way he has taken precautions but IMO I still think its stupid

Literally did this.

LMAO!! - Funniest thing I have seen all week!
I guess its no worse than people who fly across the globe to meet their online girlfriends only to find no one is waiting for them at the airport, then dont learn from their mistakes
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