I met a Romanian online and she comes to me!

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Someone give me her username (email in trust) and I will find an intelligent way of conveying it without getting banned so everyone can have a look.

In a completely professional manner, of course. No fapping allowed.
What am I wrong/fail about? I never said that you hadn't had sex with her - all I commented on was the fact that you didn't actually answer the question straight away. Which means you aren't happy talking about it.

No fail, no wrong, all fact.

I agree that you have no reason to answer, but equally you have no reason to go into a massive "nudge nudge" - "oh well I spent 2 years with her, what do YOU think happened!" conversation when a simple "yes" would have sufficed - nor did you have to post anything at all about it, you could have just commented on the OP without bringing up your own "dalliances" into the world of imported EE women, thus inviting questions...I really don't understand the logic of that.

"Oh I did [x]"
"Oh tell me about [x]"
"I don't want to talk about [x] I don't even know you!"

The answer you gave actively encouraged the interest because it *should* have been a straight "yes" or "no", but it wasn't.

So you didn't want to go down to the level of bragging about sleeping with people - but you did it anyway? And I never once hinted or suggested you were gay either, your emphatic(!) denial of that has been noted as well.


First of all, I didn't think it necessary to convey whether or not I'd slept with the girl I met on the net from Russia, that wasn't important.
I had no expectations of the Russian girl, just as I wouldn't have had if it was an English girl I'd arranged to meet! That sort of thing is determined once you get to know each other. So, I didn't invite her here simply just for a shag which some people seem to find hard to understand!

I simply pointed out to posters ridiculing the OP that he's not necessarily being scammed, just as I wasn't!
Really? :(

Not even a little?

Maybe a tiny bit.

First of all, I didn't think it necessary to convey whether or not I'd slept with the girl I met on the net from Russia, that wasn't important.
I had no expectations of the Russian girl, just as I wouldn't have had if it was an English girl I'd arranged to meet! That sort of thing is determined once you get to know each other. So, I didn't invite her here saimply just for a shag which some people seem to find hard to understand!

I simply pointed out to posters ridiculing the OP that he's not necessarily being scammed, just as I wasn't!

Ok, we all get your point, stop posting now :p
First of all, I didn't think it necessary to convey whether or not I'd slept with the girl I met on the net from Russia, that wasn't important.
I had no expectations of the Russian girl, just as I wouldn't have had if it was an English girl I'd arranged to meet! That sort of thing is determined once you get to know each other. So, I didn't invite her here saimply just for a shag which some people seem to find hard to understand!

I simply pointed out to posters ridiculing the OP that he's not necessarily being scammed, just as I wasn't!

Cool story, broseph. Can we now go back to OP and forget about your Russian bird?

Maybe a tiny bit.

Ok, this thread is almost 1000 posts long now I have no idea what has happened....

Can someone sum up what I've missed here? :o

Extra marks for bullet points! ;)
Extra marks for bullet points! ;)

Most of the posts are are requesting summaries :/

Some forum dude meets cam girl on cam girl website, decides he loves her.

Pays for a ticket for her to come here and steal his monies.

People have found she is spouting random ages, is on multiple dating sites, is 100 and is pregnant.

OP we either believe is a troll, or he is being scammed.

That is about all.

Oh and pancake.

and some more stuff on page 11 and 12
OMG My Romanian GF is arriving at heathrow on 21st. This could be a nightmare, hope its a completely different time of day.

Saying that im fairly safe in the knowlege that no-one is gonna wonder in to Heathrow arrivals with the hope of seeing this drama without know which flight it is! Unless he tells us which flight, you could all be waiting an awful long time at heathrow... you realise how many Romania > Heathrow flights there are?

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"Yess, hallo Cheekykid? I'm shtanding in frunt of theh Costa Koffeey huggs and kisses xx"
Originally Posted by Cheekykid via AVForums
Got scammed when i was a teenager for £500 but only got £110 compensation from ebay. I had won a camera and the guy said to send him the money via Western union to Romania . At the time i stupidly thought that ebay is safe and that i won't have any problems ever. Well....i know better now

P.S. I still have his address where the money gone and i plan to visit Romania in the near future for a trip so i'll be visiting him....
yep. sounds like him:)

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