I need to squat more

Exact opposite today everything was slow!

4x5x205 - hardest squats of my life!

Did some bench and some machine pulls but I was very drained.
Minor planning brain fart

I finish smolov on the 16th exactly 2 weeks before my comp date (deadlift and bench only)

So for the first week do I deadlift non stop to get used to it again or do I just do 1 or two sessions one fast one heavy then have my week off pre comp.

Bench I'm also considering benching until 3 or so days before the comp to get my technique down.

An interesting month ahead :)
Severely under recovered, 2 nights of poor sleep and asthma attacks. Tonight will be adjusted appropriately.

Experience has taught me 2 things, how I feel is a lie and I should listen to how I feel....
Monday was a mess but got some nice benching done at least.

Yesterday was good for both bench and squat :)


Very fast :)

Bench ended up pause reps 3x5x110 all felt good :)

Some assistance work then food.

Back on track :)
Despite consuming my body weight in food the scales were forgiving this morningand I continue to trend downwards.

Looking forward to tonight's squats :) bench I'm not so sure of, I think my shoulder is angry with me. I'll see how he feels later.
Hmmm slow and grindy tonight

3x5x205 - (should have been 5x5 but I was really grinding them out and felt it wasn't worth it)
Shoulder feels much better today thought still has a minor niggle.

As Saturday is the last of the Smolov days I'll be beginning my cutting then (3 weeks out) Nothing extreme I just need to drop a few kg so I can water cut the rest. I shouldn't have let my weight get so high but the demands of the program needed to be met.

I'll test my squat max on the 16th and probably start deadlifting on the 18th, should give me 1 week or so of deadlifting to prepare for the comp :p

Between now and then I'm going to keep my bench % low unless my biceps feel 100%.

This comp is just for fun but I'd like to get a good number to try and beat at the 3 lift in September :)
Lots of gardening today including digging up some tree roots, not fun! Wasn't expecting much but it went well :)

3x4x220 - Rep PB :)

Smolov intense complete, hope I can reap the gains next Saturday :)
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Benching last night with a few technique tweaks and ended up hitting a 125x3 with a pause and a 150 with the slingshot (very fast)

Still the same issue holding me back, once the bar is 2ish inches off my chest on the lowering part my biceps freak out and I can't drive properly.

Squat max test this Saturday and since my weight is heading down it'll work as a decider for me.

If I PB 250kg or more I'll stick with the plan and go to the 93s for the 3 lift.
If I don't then I'm going to eat, be strong and go to the 105s.

Finally the deadlift....

I can get 2 deadlift sessions in before the competition (wooooo, that prep :D )
I'm going to do once speed session and focus on getting tight and pulling from the floor and then one heavy session from blocks or the rack to see how I handle decent weight.
More benching tonight

New grip width and new setup and new bar path....a new bench basically.

Paused triples up to 120kg - no pain :D
Paused singles
135 - paused PB :D

Paused Bench

New technique seems promising :)

Did some curls and rows and that's all she wrote.
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