I passed:D wooo

Gratz - dont forget all you learnt :P I gave a big lecture in a thread before but im sure you heard it all before lol
Now get yourself a Teg Type-R!

The sad thing is, she probably could:( Damn woman drivers and there lower insurance.
Congrats though
-Mic- said:
Now get yourself a Teg Type-R!

The sad thing is, she probably could:( Damn woman drivers and there lower insurance.
Congrats though

My mate got one at 17 years old, living in london, at a cost of £5k, but he earns £5k a month :(

Anyways, congrats...
-Mic- said:
Now get yourself a Teg Type-R!

The sad thing is, she probably could:( Damn woman drivers and there lower insurance.
Congrats though

Yeah! Wish I had boobs! (Not just for getting the insurance down ;))
Congrats :) I got my first car a few days back, and in that time ive learnt that even though im a new driver ive had to compensate for other driver errors so many times, you almost need eyes in the back of your head.
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