I pick things up and put them down :)

20 Nov 2009
Bangor NI
Just thought it'd be a good place to keep track of my training and get some feedback on what I'm doing :)

I'm terrible at updating these things but I will try :p

It's been a slow start to the year as I ended last year with 3 injuries :( they've more or less mended but I'm taking it kinda easy in January just to be sure!

I intend to compete in at least powerlifting this year, I've not grappled in about 7 months now and I'd like to get back into it but not at the expense of my powerlifting, at least until I hit my targets for the year :)


My best lifts at the start of 2013 are:

  • Squat: 200
  • Bench: 130
  • Dead: 230
By the end of the year I'm aiming for:

  • Squat: 220
  • Bench: 150
  • Deadlift: 250
Former plan!
Training Plan

Sunday - Squat Day :D
  • 5/3/1 or Heavy Singles/Triples - Back Squat
  • 50 reps of assistance in the form of high bar back squat or front squat
Mondays - Squat Recovery Day :p
  • Kettlebell - swings using both hip hinge and sit back styles. Anywhere between 80-200 reps of 16-24kgs
Tuesday - Bench Heavies and Deadlift singles
  • 5/3/1 or Heavy Singles/Triples - Bench (Narrow grip)
  • 50 reps of assistance
  • 10 singles ~65-85% deadlift 1RM
Wednesday - Hit 'em Hard
  • Bagwork - A few 2min rounds of Baz Ruttens MMA Tapes
  • Some light snatch work
Thursday - Squat and Deadlift singles
  • 5x5 Back Squat
  • 10 singles @ 65-85% deadlift 1RM
  • Upper back work - pullups and inverse rows mostly
Friday - Power Olympics
  • Varying amounts of power cleans and power snatch rarely more than 60% 1RM it's more about the timing and technique.
Saturday - Bench and Press
  • 5/3/1 - Press
  • 5x5 - Bench
  • 50 reps of shoulder press assistance
  • Getups

New plan! :D

Monday - Grappling
Tuesday - Squat Day

  • Squat 2x3x165, 2x2x175, 2x1x185 (+2.5/week)
  • Front 3x3x90 (+2.5/week)
  • Squat 5x10x100 (+5/4week)
  • Good mornings 3x8x40 (+2.5/week)
  • Bench 2x3x95, 2x2x100, 2x1x105 (+2.5/week)
  • OHP 5x2+1x60 (+2.5/week) the +1 is a pushpress
  • Bicep curl 5x10
Wednesday - Grappling if I have the money :(
Thursday - Deadlift Day

  • Deadlift 3x200, 2x210, 5x1x220 (+2.5/2week)
  • Power Clean 3x60, 3x65, 3x70, 3x75 (+2.5/2week)
  • Sumo 3x 150, 3x170, 3x200 (+5/4week)
  • Krocs 3x10x40 (+2/2week)
  • Bench 10x50, 10x60, 10x70, 10x80, 10x90 (+2.5/week)
  • Dips 6x6x+10
Friday - Rest/Wrestling
Saturday - Bench Day

  • Squat 2x3x165, 2x2x175, 2x1x185 (+2.5/week)
  • Glute bridge 5x5x80 (+5/week)
  • Bench 2x3x95, 2x2x100, 2x1x105, 2x2x100, 2x3x95 (+2.5/week)
  • Dips 6x3x+20 (+5/4week)
  • Dumbell bench 5x5x40 (+2/week)
  • Bicep Curl 5x10
Sunday - Rest/Swimming

Questions, comments and suggestions are all greatly appreciated :)
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Tuesday 8th January

Triceps still fried from benching for fun on Sunday but it was a good session :) I'll not be posting any warmup numbers. I've been using a narrow grip in my bench for the last 3 weeks and I'm liking it :)


10x 65

I did some kettlebell press, flies, barbell curls and pullups as well as my training partner wanted some variation :)

All in all a good session, I did skip deadlifts because my lower back is still somewhat tense but it's much better, I'll give them a go on Thursday albeit very light.
Feeling devoid of energy today but tonight's training will not be missed! It'll be light on the squat and deads mind, just to test the water :)

By February I'll need to have a diet plan sorted as I've gained a fair bit of fatty fat fat since Christmas....I blame not being able to train as hard as I'd like....and the 5 tubs of chocolate, 12 packs of mince pies and countless Christmas puddings :D

Anyways the time for gluttony is over and the time for progress is now :)
Damn, definitely mirin' that then. I can but dream =) Ever posted any pics? Always lifted for power or physique?
I haven't posted any pics here though some have ended up on the internet via various mishaps XD

I've lifted for sport mostly, it started as physique then sport then power then sport then power/sport and now just power :D

I do like the physique I've gotten from lifting, it definitely makes me a more confident person :) It's nothing mind blowing mind you, if I get the BF% down a bit I'll post some pics, it's currently ~18% if you trust BIA.
Thursday 10th January

Squats worked them up to 150x5 on the 4th rep though my back felt a little twingy so I left it there. Still not mended but legs felt good :)

Did some kettlebell swings which felt fine and a selection of pullup grips, weighted and unweighted.

To finish off there was a fair amount of inverse row which I am loving :D very good exercise.

So whilst the back is almost there it's just not at the stage where I can train on it decently.

Looking forward to benching on Saturday :)
Thanks :) so would I :p I'll get back there soon enough ^^

Back is fine today, glutes feel nicely worked, ty kettlebells. If you're not swinging I'd suggest you give it a go ;)
I echo MrThingyX's sentiments! Good numbers. Never been tempted to try kettlebells though, and would take some convincing :p
Friday 11th January

10x5 Power clean - 40kg
10x5 Hang clean - 40kgs

Some more chinups as well, the weights were low but the intensity high :) back feels good :)
Saturday 12th January

Partner bailed but it was an awesome session anyway :) I'll sticking with the narrow grip for a while, roughly 15 inches apart.

5x5 - 100kg

5x 40
5x 50
7x 60 - Could get it off the shoulders no problems but the lockout was murder thanks to the bench XD

I did a selection of front and side raises for assistance and that was that.

Whilst this was shoulder day I prioritised bench because I didn't want to be too fatigued and fail a lockout with no spot and because the first competition of the year is bench! I think it's February 23rd.
Sunday 13th January

Treated today as a test day and did singles up to 170-kg which felt fine but I didn't want to push it. Just taking it easy on the volume.

It was a very good workout, heavy stepups, front squat and power cleans for assistance.

Getting my confidence back :)
Tuesday 15th January

Bench - Narrow Grip
3x 90
3x 100
5x 110

Bench - Normal Grip - 2 second pause
10x 70
10x 70
10x 70
7x 70 -WHAAAA?
10x 70 :)

Working in singles up to 180kg and ll was well :)
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