I pick things up and put them down :)

I dunno what happenend on the 4th set XD feeling monster DOMS today :)

Joey it was from a planet fitness advert or something to that effect :)
Ah, I need a singlet to compete in bench >.< prepare for some sexy photos!

The bench date is the 23rd of February so it gives me enough time to prepare to competition standards :)

My 1RM with standard grip is 130 with narrow it's now 125. I'll be working on my pauses a lot more and making sure than mean judges don't rain on my parade :)

If any experienced lifters are reading I'd love some advice on competition prep :)
Training paused you'll want to hold for 2-3s, in case you get someone who takes their sweet time giving you the press command. Also make sure you hold the bar unracked for 2s as you won't be pressing immediately. I've been doing triples this way and now doubles. Looking at the comp prep ice posted for me you're fine doing heavy bench press up until 4 days before the comp.

4 weeks out:
Heavy triples, max effort with a max of 3 sets. Normal assistance work.

3 weeks out:
Heavy doubles, upwards of 95% effort. Normal amounts of assistance work.

2 weeks out:
Max, or 95%, on all three lifts for 1 rep. Minimal assistance, avoid too much fatigue.

The week before the comp:
Monday: All three lifts up to 90% OR go up to your openers (100% bench if you want). However, DO NOT psyche yourself up for anything (apart from bench). Expect to lift less than you'd think. Do nothing else, apart from foam rolling/stretching the crap out of everything as required.

Wednesday (or Thursday at the latest): Bench to a 90% double or single, but base it on how you feel. Do some speed deads and squats at ~50%, but don't approach fatigue.

Rest until comp, literally do nothing. Including cardio.
Great thanks, I'm going to a seminar on Saturday to get tips on my bench, the guy has benched 250kgs....hopefully he can show me a trick or two :S
Oh giant mug of coffee give me strength! Feeling very tired this morning, I've got a nasty mouth abcess and I think it's taking it's toll :(

Here goes nothing :D
Thanks for the support :D I gave it a shot ^^

Thursday 17th January

5x 110
5x 120
5x 130
3x 140 - There just wasn't anything left in the tank!

Singles up to 180 and all felt fine here, next week I'll push it a bit more :)

Assistance work was pullups, chin ups, ring pull ups and inverse row galore.

It was a decent workout, squat was a little disappointing but there's always gonna be days like this, I'll get an early one tonight and get a kickstart on the recovery :)
Due to the weather I missed the seminar! Oh well, next time!

Bench was hard work today, all sets done with a 3 second hold on unracking and a 3 second pause on the chest.

My partner bailed yet again but I found a pretty awesome thing on the power rack! If I hold my fully arched position there's about a 1cm gap to the catches so it forces me to really focus on holding my arch and will save my life when I screw up (like today :D)

Saturday 19th January

Bench - Narrow, 3 sec hold, 3 sec pause (thanks LiE for my pain)
5x 80
5x 90
5x 100
4x 110
1x 120 - Annoyed by this but it's just something I'll improve on, the pauses are MURDER!

I wanted to feel a heavier weight so I loaded up 140, it felt pretty good but I'm a fair bit away from getting it more than an inch off my chest!

3x 45
3x 55
8x 65 - Happy here, though my triceps would be too fried but they did good :)

3x 10x 40kg press
4x 5x 20kg front raise....mother of god they hurt...

A good morning was had :) time to eat!
Terrible day for squatting, I was working on my build all day and my back was all tight and messed up! Kept it short and sweet.

Sunday 20th January

3x 110
1x 130
1x 140
1x 150
1x 160
1x 170
1x 170
1x 170 - My setup was giving me trouble, I just couldn't get tight but I feel good today so I'm guessing it was just because of the tightness.
Tuesday 22nd January

Pushed for time so it was another short and sweet one :(

Bench - 3 second hold, 3 second pause
3x 85
3x 95
2x 110
1x 110
1x 110
1x 110
1x 110
1x 110
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