Err.. shut up?
If you're out and about, and you're looking for something to eat, and there's a McDonalds and a Fancy Restaurant, you can't just go into McDonalds, buy a big mac, say "this is rubbish and not healthy, I'm not paying" and then walk into the restaurant, have a decent meal then decide you're gonna pay for it because it was good.
Someone's made the game, and spent time and money on making the game, just because it's rubbish or you don't like it, doesn't mean you should get to play it for free.
Actually yes you can. Within reason (ie you cant eat the entire meal) you can excercise your right to only pay what you believe the meal was worth.
Just a few weeks ago we refused to pay for 2 of our 8 meals because they were disgusting.
Just because someone has spent time producing something doesn't make you obliged to invest in it.