I think my mother is loosing the plot

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She just said do you want any clothes washing for work , i said no because the only pants i where i have on atm , i said i will wash them later, she says you're not washing them twice , even tho i pay for the electric this week i can't use the washing machine , how childish is that.

You only have one pair of pants?

Dude they're trousers. Are you American or something?

Council house or not, you paying *some* bills or not it is her house. Her rules.

In our house the washing machine only runs overnight on Economy 7. Good job you don't live here. Of course if you did you'd have been kicked out ages ago.
OP, this is just going to end very badly for you.

I wouldn't say that living at home at 27 was the worst thing in the world, but combined with your attitude it's pretty appalling :o
There seems to be an alarming number of people living with their parents well into their twenties these days, and as a result basically not 'growing up' and learning to do things for themselves.

And plenty of them are unemployed since they don't 'need' to work, so they don't bother. And just sit at home playing xbox.

Sadly at least half of my friends fall into this category. As a result they have a very narrow/unrealistic perspective on life. Very sad. :(
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