I Want This So Badly - For The Racers

27 Aug 2004
Logitech G25


It going to be around the £200 mark. Not 100% of release date.

900 degree turning circle
Clutch pedal
6 speed forward gearbox and a reverse
Flappy paddle gearbox on wheel

The more i look at it the more im drooling.
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yes, indeed it does look like a rather lush wheel :(

the reason it is gonna be expensive is its supposidly going to have a good build quality to it, aswell as the fact it comes with a clutch pedal which is rare thing with wheel sets unless your spending large ammounts of cash, and the rather lovely looking manual gear box which can also be used as a sequential shifter i believe :)
mmmmm that looks nice.
I think that could tempt me away from playing GTL with an Xbox360 controller.

Lets just hope the price drops
finaly a proper gear stick, hopefully can go on the right side, and clutch :D , about time though, all you need is a game to use it all
uk_viper said:
finaly a proper gear stick, hopefully can go on the right side, and clutch :D , about time though, all you need is a game to use it all

Loads of decent racing games allow you to specify a clutch control, Live for Speed definately does and I'm sure Rfactor and GT Legends/GTR does too
GTL supports it all.
I use all of it on my Xbox360 controller excet for the direct shifting ;)
Clutch control is good using the rear trigger buttons
like the idea of the clutch pedal. though the clutch wont properly work in any game anyway will it (how it does in a real car) -stall, kangaroo etc

the gear stick looks cak

id maybe pay £60 or £70 for it but no way £200
probabl;y would actually work on GTR forgot about that, would be good if they made it 360 copatiable, then a patch for PGR3, that would be good :D
well im already waiting for the release, im a sucker for PC wheels, i have got sitting in the loft all MS wheels, most of Logitechs (some of them no longer work :(), including a Red Momo which i use day to day racing/playing, this new wheel is 100% on my list of wheels to get
Now I have got my NEC Multisync 20WGX 20" widescreen, coupled with that I may be tempted to getting into racers.

Never been my genre of choice due to control methods, but that looks like it will more than make up for it.

Sign me up for the drooling.
bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmm bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm

does someone want to buy me it?
geeza said:
like the idea of the clutch pedal. though the clutch wont properly work in any game anyway will it (how it does in a real car) -stall, kangaroo etc

the gear stick looks cak

id maybe pay £60 or £70 for it but no way £200

You'll certainly stall if you have clutch enabled on games like GTR and GTL, not sure on LFS, but it is a useful pedal to have, and gets you using the right pedals too I guess, as I don't like left foot braking that much.

It is a very nice looking wheel, probably a reasonable alternative to those wheels that are £800+ (Cue Flibster)... I'd actually be tempted if it was any good as I should be earning by then, hopefully anyway.
DaveyD said:
It is a very nice looking wheel, probably a reasonable alternative to those wheels that are £800+ (Cue Flibster)... I'd actually be tempted if it was any good as I should be earning by then, hopefully anyway.

You called? ;)

I'll probably buy one of these just for the gearstick...unless someone else produces the gearstick on it's own.

Will go nicely with the Speed7 set.

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