I Want This So Badly - For The Racers

Race Frame Pro V2. ;)

However - the tin method sounds good for cheap. :D

Desperately saving for a BRD-05 Car Simulator or preferably a BRD Lotus 49 Simulator - probably will never happen though. :(

i put a shoebox in front of the sub and the sub against the wall. What other games support the clutch?
That looks so nice.

I hardly use my DFP (which I paid £100 for when it was brand new as it was a 900 degree wheel) but that looks so much better, I really want a clutch pedal and proper gear shifter :cool:
That looks very nice

£200 is a lot but I paid that for my Microsoft wheel many years ago!

I just hope that the pedals have some decent feel to them, particuarly the brake pedal. I bought my Microsoft wheel before I learnt to drive and it was fine, but the brake pedal, for example, has zero feel or resistance and easily goes all the way to the floor. Completely unlike a car pedal! It has a rather restricted rotation angle too which this looks to fix
Damn and ive only had my DFP a couple of months lol. I think i'd probably be slower in LFS using a clutch pedal and a gearbox, but I reckon it would be a lot more fun/realistic.
Oh yeah - that'd be enough to make me buy it

I'm hoping that these pedals will be the best ever with true feel in each pedal. It's a shame that they're not hinged at the top though
Is there a point of a 900 degree turning circle?

Most racing games have racing cars and most race cars dont need 900 degree turning. Although I'm a really man myself so usually a quick flick will do my nicely ;).
UKTopGun said:
Is there a point of a 900 degree turning circle?

Most racing games have racing cars and most race cars dont need 900 degree turning. Although I'm a really man myself so usually a quick flick will do my nicely ;).


270° is more than is really needed - how many people feed the wheel on a race car. ;)

yes 270 degree's, is the more natural turning of the wheel for a race car, but some people like to treat the car as a normal car when messing around in some games, to be honest 900 degree isnt all that, i bought a DFP, used it once, sold it then next day, for many reasons....but this wheel has so much more potential for the serious racers out there, more control, more feel (sort of), that sort of thing is what some people want, and Logitech are finally making what most of us racers want, a budget* setup

* if you have 200 notes laying around that is :D
zenith10 said:
will be good using the clutch, shame gt4 isnt on the pc that game would be great using them wheels and pedals

This wheel can also be used on a ps2 with games that support other Logitech FFB wheels like the DFP, so in theory it should be compatible with GT4.

UKTopGun said:
Is there a point of a 900 degree turning circle?

Most racing games have racing cars and most race cars dont need 900 degree turning. Although I'm a really man myself so usually a quick flick will do my nicely ;).

This wheel is designed for GT-style games like GT4 or LFS. I play LFS and some road cars in the game are designed for a wheel with up to 720 degrees of rotation. You'd be daft to buy this wheel if you intend to use it purely for F1/open-wheel racing games. It would be such a waste. Get a Momo wheel for that.
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