I Want This So Badly - For The Racers

with my experience from racing wheels in the past, you use it for the first week then realise it is cack and go back to using what you did before, it may "feel" more real but you can normally play a lot better with a controller, my steering wheel has been sitting in the corner for about 2-3 years now maybe more, trust me no way would i every buy a steering wheel again its just a gimmick, the only thing i would suggest is a cockpit type wheel for flying games they feel a whole lot better and give you more control but controllers are still better, once you see your scores decreasing and your times increasing you will go back to whatever you were using before
Not much of a simulator if you use a controllers though is it, how many real drivers don't use a steering wheel ;)

Obviously the steering wheel as an input device may have it limitations but if you're "keeping it real" those limitations are part of the simulation experience IMHO!

Psycho Sonny said:
with my experience from racing wheels in the past, you use it for the first week then realise it is cack and go back to using what you did before, it may "feel" more real but you can normally play a lot better with a controller, my steering wheel has been sitting in the corner for about 2-3 years now maybe more, trust me no way would i every buy a steering wheel again its just a gimmick, the only thing i would suggest is a cockpit type wheel for flying games they feel a whole lot better and give you more control but controllers are still better, once you see your scores decreasing and your times increasing you will go back to whatever you were using before

Well I think you will find there are a number of sim racers here, a lot already posting in this thread, who have been using a wheel of one type or another for years. In Live for Speed, I don't think I would be 0.4s off of the world record on two tracks if I was still using a keyboard.

While I don't deny that there are world record pace drivers using a gamepad and even the mouse, all I'm trying to say is, those who are coming into this thread and proclaiming wheels overpriced, gimmicky and pointless, clearly don't realise that their opinion isn't the be all and end all.
When i get my bike and i have some extra cash i will get this wheel. The clutch pedal is fantastic its about time someone put it on a wheel set ( i hope in Test drive you can use a clutch) and the gearbox is either Sequential or just like a normal car (if that the technical term :p )
Ice Rich said:
Best advice on this thread :)

C'mon, 200 quid for a wheel?

You buy a wheel for immersion and performance. Does anyone blanch at paying £300+ quid for a 3d graphics card? Oestensibly you buy such a high performance product because it improves your gaming experience, you could buy a cheaper card and still play games, just the experience wont be as satisfying, and your competitive performance may be hindered.

It's the same thing when buying a high quality steering wheel + pedals.
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Psycho Sonny said:
with my experience from racing wheels in the past, you use it for the first week then realise it is cack and go back to using what you did before, it may "feel" more real but you can normally play a lot better with a controller, my steering wheel has been sitting in the corner for about 2-3 years now maybe more, trust me no way would i every buy a steering wheel again its just a gimmick, the only thing i would suggest is a cockpit type wheel for flying games they feel a whole lot better and give you more control but controllers are still better, once you see your scores decreasing and your times increasing you will go back to whatever you were using before

You remind me of the guys who'd turn up on NR2003 servers for the first time complaning that the car was "pulling left" and that "I can't configure my gamepad".

Seriously, and with all due respect, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Psycho Sonny said:
with my experience from racing wheels in the past, you use it for the first week then realise it is cack and go back to using what you did before, it may "feel" more real but you can normally play a lot better with a controller, my steering wheel has been sitting in the corner for about 2-3 years now maybe more, trust me no way would i every buy a steering wheel again its just a gimmick, the only thing i would suggest is a cockpit type wheel for flying games they feel a whole lot better and give you more control but controllers are still better, once you see your scores decreasing and your times increasing you will go back to whatever you were using before

Thats probably just you. I dont find it hard gettin used to a wheel. It may be hard for you since it takes up more energy as you actually have to move more of your body not just twiddle your fingers about.
Well I can only speak from personal experience I was using a dual - shock style game pad to play F1C. When the new CTDP mod came out for rFactor I started off playing it using the gamepad but after a while I got sick of being destroyed online.

I ended up getting a fairly cheap Saitek R220 wheel, and at first I sucked, I was slower. But after a day or so I was as fast as I was before. After another day I was a whole 2 seconds faster. And my times are still coming down.

Basically the wheel itself imo doesn't make the difference, it is the throttle and brake pedals that do. And for those a gamepad or joystick is a very, very poor substitute when competing at a high level.
My first wheel was a thrustmaster, which used a standard potentiometer for the steering, and which gave a fairly low calibration resolution of only about 100 steps lock to lock.

I now use a Driving Force Pro, developed for the PS2 but works even better on the PC. The steering sensor is optical and has 14 bit resolution, and it makes a massive difference. A lot of the newer sims calculate tyre physics to a very precise level (LFS for example calculates 2000 physics steps per second), so keeping the steering and tyres very precise can make a big difference to the speed of your car.

This wheel basically should improve the DFP in every way, except for a lack of buttons on the wheel. Whoever thought that two buttons on a wheel is sufficiant should be taken out and shot.
banja said:
Whoever thought that two buttons on a wheel is sufficiant should be taken out and shot.

i actually only ever use 2 on my Red Momo, for left and right views, everything i get from the dash, motec displays, and pitboards...pit limiter...who needs that anyway, just keep it steady, and all the other things you dont really need.
Just to note that there are actually buttons on the shifter, not that it helps much in the middle of a race. There is a review up now on RSC

I can't wait :D
Psycho Sonny said:
with my experience from racing wheels in the past, you use it for the first week then realise it is cack and go back to using what you did before, it may "feel" more real but you can normally play a lot better with a controller, my steering wheel has been sitting in the corner for about 2-3 years now maybe more, trust me no way would i every buy a steering wheel again its just a gimmick, the only thing i would suggest is a cockpit type wheel for flying games they feel a whole lot better and give you more control but controllers are still better, once you see your scores decreasing and your times increasing you will go back to whatever you were using before

My time at the nurburgring would be over a minute slower on GPL using a keyboard or gamepad. You can get away with them with arcade racers but totally lost in a sim environment.
I saw this thread a few hours after I ordered a DFP, one week later and it's not been delivered so I've cancelled that order.
Come on October.
I want 3 pedal goodness. :D
Also I've seen it on pre-order for $250 so maybe it'll be £150 by the time we can get it.
Psycho Sonny said:
with my experience from racing wheels in the past, you use it for the first week then realise it is cack and go back to using what you did before, it may "feel" more real but you can normally play a lot better with a controller, my steering wheel has been sitting in the corner for about 2-3 years now maybe more, trust me no way would i every buy a steering wheel again its just a gimmick, the only thing i would suggest is a cockpit type wheel for flying games they feel a whole lot better and give you more control but controllers are still better, once you see your scores decreasing and your times increasing you will go back to whatever you were using before

That is so wrong on so many levels.

Anyway, back to the G25, it looks like a seriously awesome piece of kit. I love my DFP, and will more than likely pick a G25 up.
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