I want to fly!

Battlefield 2 is great for flying but it comes at a cost, teamkilling, smacktards and noobs. However if you play a mod you probly won't get that or unranked.

You'll find in BF2 that if your a good player and skilled in the chopper, people will do anything to prevent you from playing, ranging from SRAW's, C4, Sniping you out via M95, ramming you, crashing a blackhawk into you, blowing you up with the essex, jumping ontop of your chopper so you get teamkills. Welcome to Battlefield 2.
X3 i found to be too compliacted.

Spaceforce 2 rogue universe is the best one to go for. instant action and easy to use user interface.
Big.Wayne said:
The Led Zeppelin remix certainly adds something too! :D


Is that remix called "Come with me" by LZ? I must try to get hold of that.

/edit - found. Original by LZ - Kashmir (great music)

But I much prefer this remix (esp. the lyrics) by Puff Daddy and Jimmy Page

ANyway, IL2 is popular indeed.
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Decent res version can be had from this thread over at the UBI IL2 forums.

Ubi Forum

The music was used in the film Godzilla in case anybody cares.
I'll just throw in the idea of battleground europe.

Imagine a map the size of north east of france, southeast of england, holland, luxembourg and belgium all modelled as close to real as possible. Now through in several thousand players that can be infantry of many types, tanks, Anti-tank guns, AA guns, fighters, bombers, trucks and ships.

I can never get over the pure joy of flying over all that on a busy day. You can fly the entire length of the frontline and just pick your fights. If you feel like taking on enemy fighters you can, if you feel like strafing some poor helpless ground troops you can.

It's the most addictive MMO I've ever played. If you give it a month to get into then you won't stop playing. It's the first month where you learn the basics of not dying that is important. It's the most realistic game out there and probably the most realistic flight simulator and damage model as well.


It's been around 8 years now but don't worry it's been improved constantly since it was released and they're coming out with a new graphics engine soon and it already looks a lot better then any of the screenshots shown on the webpage.

I play allied as Darg if you want to contact me in game.

I just had a mission yesterday as a paratrooper with about a dozen others. This involves contacting the airforce and asking for a pilot to take out a C47 for us. Always plenty of volunteers for that though. We started in Antwerp and were going to jump on a town about 40 miles north called Steenbergen. Unfortunately the offensive on that town was called off before we arrived so we swung the plane around and headed for a small town in the zeelands that was cut off from our brigades and under attack from the germans.

We dropped into town and quickly took care of the enemy forces there losing just two men in the process. We recapped the town depots and army base then requested for our pilot to land on the long road north of town where we could reboard the plane and be landed again near the german town north of us. Unfortunately he lost a prop on landing as it hit a nearby rise of ground. That left us 10 paratroopers standing near the north depot waiting for him to take another C47 from a nearby airbase to pick us up again. Just then a shot rang out and a squadmate fell over in front of me. Before we could react another shot rang out and I fell to the ground myself.

As I lay there dying I saw my other squaddies moving quickly to places of cover. I decided to spawn as a Blenhaim IV medium bomber to perform aerial reconnaisance and try to spot the sniper. I arrived over town and learnt that another of our squad had fallen but all the main buildings had been swept and were in our control. The enemy sniper was nowhere to be seen however. I performed some strafing runs using my tail gunner to clear the bushes along the roadside and try to drive the sniper from cover. On my third run over the town I was pounced on by an enemy fighter.

I heard his bullets slamming into my hull but checked left and right and both my engines still seemed good. Control surfaces seemed a little sluggish but were still operable. I immediately swung left and right trying to avoid another burst of fire. I checked my rear gunner but couldnt see the enemy plane. Suddenly another burst ripped through my right engine and I was going down quickly. I ditched my bomb load with the hope of landing the plane in the water safely. I had taken too much damage and plunged headfirst into the north sea without even knowing who my attacker was.

At that stage I had to get back to work.

I just can't tell you how brilliant this game is. Maybe the size of this post will show you how much it means to me.
A word of warning about Battleground Europe.

This game is not for the BF1942/CS crowd. The flight sim portion is great as are the tanks, Anti-tank, anti-air game but the inf game... well, imagine playing v.1 CS on a huge map with a 12.2k modem and you get close. To enjoy the inf game you have to be playing for the tactical aspect and not mind warping and the like.

As for the air game, you will die a lot to start with. Youre flying generally inferior planes against people with experience. You said earlier you didnt want a game thats going to take 20 minutes to take off, wwiiol is a bit like that. The flight models for each plane have to be learnt, if youre trying to turn and burn in a 190 against a Spit IX youre going to die. Quickly.

Not that that will be an issue because you will be stuck in the lower tier planes until you get a certain rank. Usually this takes a couple of weeks. The same applies for the inf game, you cant be a paratrooper to start off with until you get rank. Noobs also dont get binoculars and you will have no idea how you died 75% of the time. You will just fall over dead. Theres no death cam.

You have to remember that the wide vistas end up making the combat realistic. For instance if youre in a tank youll rarely see an enemy tank as more than a dot. Combat is done over long range and for good reason. Its generally the stationary tank that gets the first few shots i, throw anti tank guns into the mix and armor creeps into battle.

Population is overrated too. Theres not always thousands online and the really big battles lag a lot, especially if your machine isnt up to spec. Usually youll be fighting with 20 or 30 players and an equal number of enemy over a small town. THe big battles can drag in a couple of hundred. If youre flying youre going to need a good spec with lots of ram. Stutters and the like whilst flying are commonplace.

Why bother? This game is crack. The first time you complete a forward base bust, driving a column of tanks to shell an unsuspecting barracks... The first time you shoot down a JU87 as its trying to take out some tanks attacking an enemy town and you see below you infantry moving into place, just awesome. Dropping bombs onto a destroyer shelling a town, or cmoing across a stream of 111's trying to attack your factory's... great stuff. One word of advice if you do sign up. Join a squad. Youll have plenty of offers, find a big squad and hook up, adds loads to the experience.
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Big.Wayne said:
Yeah that was my understanding too, however I am sure they are great FPS games (which I do play too) but I was just fancying getting myself a joystick and flying off into the sunset lol!

So which is the most popular 'pure' flight game then? like what do the hardcore flying-game freaks play? (or would that be one of the games that takes 20mins to even take off lol!).

As was said earlier Falcon 4 is the daddy of all sims. MS Flight Sim can be hard or easy depending on the aircraft you use, and how much a rivet counter you are. You want don't a hard core sim though. You want a middle to lite sim.

Have a browse through some screenshot/video gallerys and see what you like.

I tried Battleground Europe (or whatever it was called then) about a year ago and hated it. Spent ages flying around trying to find anyone, never really found any enemy aircraft and when I did I had warping and lag problems. So ended up strafing the ground most of the time, and it just wasn't fun. On the ground it was a bit better, less lag and warping but it took ages to get to the action, and then for the first few weeks you are just cannon fodder. I didn't have weeks to devote to it for it to become fun.

That was my experience anyway. Maybe its better now.
OspreyO said:
I tried Battleground Europe (or whatever it was called then) about a year ago and hated it. Spent ages flying around trying to find anyone, never really found any enemy aircraft and when I did I had warping and lag problems. So ended up strafing the ground most of the time, and it just wasn't fun. On the ground it was a bit better, less lag and warping but it took ages to get to the action, and then for the first few weeks you are just cannon fodder. I didn't have weeks to devote to it for it to become fun.

That was my experience anyway. Maybe its better now.

Well I have quite a high spec rig so warping for me atleast is pretty non-existent in the air. The only time I remember it actually was one day when everyone was getting some lag. I think they were repairing their servers at the time though.

As for ground combat CQB is kind of out but rifles at 100m is always sweet. The trick of the game is to go into combat with a group of people. Taking a single plane out on your own will either be boring or you'll be dead very quick unless you know what you're doing. Ask around on the comm channels for an active mission and join them. You'll find yourself having a hell of a lot more fun.

Battleground Europe is not for the lone wolf. It is a team game. We've had CSS and BF2 players come on and waste tanks even when they're told multiple times that an enemy ATG is just waiting for a noob to spawn a tank in the vehicle building. They either don't listen or start 1337 speaking at us. You really have to have the right mindset to enjoy battleground.
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