Was meaning to give Oblivion Lost a go after hearing so much praise so thanks to the OP for giving me the nudge, installed the mods last night and the improvements to both graphics, AI and gameplay are great, well recommended.
Will installing Oblivion Lost invalidate my save games?
The notes for the download say you must start a new game, so I either way you have to start from scratch with added.
The only thing I don't get about Stalker is the artifacts.
I just dont understand the point of them, yea they can boost your stats but they irradiate you so what is the point?
Can anyone point me in the direction of the Sharper pack please? All I seem to be able to find is people talking about it
I would get S.W.O v2.2 (then 2.2.1 & 2.2.2 updates) from HERE
That incudes the Sharper textures and other good mods.
You should edit the fsgame.ltx and at the gamedata line change both variables to true (one of them is already true)
$app_data_root$=true|false|C:\|Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\
$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\
$game_ai$ = true| false| $game_data$| ai\
$game_spawn$ = true| false| $game_data$| spawns\
$game_anims$ = true| true| $game_data$| anims\
$game_levels$ = true| false| $game_data$| levels\
$game_meshes$ = true| true| $game_data$| meshes\
$game_dm$ = true| true| $game_data$| meshes\
$game_shaders$ = true| true| $game_data$| shaders\
$game_sounds$ = true| true| $game_data$| sounds\
$game_textures$ = true| true| $game_data$| textures\
$game_scripts$ = true| false| $game_data$| scripts\
$game_config$ = true| false| $game_data$| config\
$level$ = false| false| $game_levels$
$game_saves$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| savedgames\
$logs$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| logs\
$screenshots$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| screenshots\
$downloads$ = false| false| $app_data_root$| downloads\
$mod_dir$ = false | false | $fs_root$ | mods\