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I will be over clocking just not straight away as I don't have a z170 board yet. You say there will be little in it but don't the 2 extra physical cores makes a difference
This is very typical of my own experience moving from an FX 83## to the 4690K
Intel is better when fewer cores are needed AMD do better when more cores are needed.... heavy AI and physics calc, ecte...
It does not make one better than the other, it just makes them different, if the i5 can't keep pace with the FX83## in such situation the i3 certainly can't.
GamerNexus dx11 vs dx12
Amd barely benefits from dx12, nvida loses performance in dx 12.
As for the op i3, if he didn't have a h110 board then clocking the I3 would reduce most if not all the stuttering. The only solution is a 6500 but looking the prices i'd not bother.
Either find a 2nd hand 6500 or buy a z board which can adopt an older bios to overclock non k chips.
He has an i5 on the way
Yeah also don't think op has h110 board, i misread it's dave with 110 board.
Either way i'd have bought a zboard and clocked the I3 first.
well heres some data to show why.
i3 and i5s and dx12 almost half basically avoid using dx12 if you want the best performance.quite funny seeing how some were saying dx12 was better for cpu performance and how smooth it is in comparison.
50 percent drop on some card cpus cfgs ! thats some smoothness
op does not have a zboard.