You are a bloody danger to others more like.
Quite the contrary, I am an excellent driver.
I have such mastery of the snow that with the recent weather I could happily sit at 50/60 mph while everyone else was doing 15.
Its like a special talent. I have such fine throttle control, its better than modern cars traction control.
Hills which defeat the onboard traction control, I can drive up comfortably with all the electronic aids turned off.
As for prolonged driving, I am used to it, so I am more adapted than your average brain dead who would let themselves fall asleep at the wheel.
Quite the contrary, I am an excellent driver.
I have such mastery of the snow that with the recent weather I could happily sit at 50/60 mph while everyone else was doing 15.
Its like a special talent. I have such fine throttle control, its better than modern cars traction control.
Hills which defeat the onboard traction control, I can drive up comfortably with all the electronic aids turned off.
As for prolonged driving, I am used to it, so I am more adapted than your average brain dead who would let themselves fall asleep at the wheel.
Quite the contrary, I am an excellent driver.
I have such mastery of the snow that with the recent weather I could happily sit at 50/60 mph while everyone else was doing 15.
Its like a special talent. I have such fine throttle control, its better than modern cars traction control.
Hills which defeat the onboard traction control, I can drive up comfortably with all the electronic aids turned off.
As for prolonged driving, I am used to it, so I am more adapted than your average brain dead who would let themselves fall asleep at the wheel.
Here we go...
My troll senses are tingling
Are you a road train guy?
I was thinking of that, but its not extreme enough!
The Ice Roads are hardcore, and better paid are they not?
Still, its not all about the monies, its about the experience, and doing something a little crazy.
I liked the first couple of series but there is only so much I could put up with to watch the footage of trucks, rigs, the wild open spaces.Slightly off topic but Ice Road Truckers is the best show currently on telly!
I was on the Isle of Skye this weekend. Coming back, I was the only person still able to do motorway speeds on ice.
Saw so many people getting stuck it was hilarious, but the Icelandic rocking technique and some considerable skill on my part ensured my safe arrival at my destination, while others were stuck for 5/6 hrs jsut doing 25 miles.
I've been watching Edwardian Farm recently and the presenting style is a real breath of fresh air.
Do you have any skills that may be in demand? A degree? Demonstrable track record in your chosen field?
Countries no longer want unskilled immigrants. They have a large enough pool already from their own population.
What they are after is skills their domestic population either don't have or have insufficient supply of.
The doors are still open if you have something they want.
So... Im reaching that stage in my life now where i wanna do something totally different, and go somewhere and just let loose on something.
I hate people, and think that most humans are complete morons, so I am thinking of going to the Arctic circle in Canada and becoming and Ice Road Trucker.
Has anyone got any experience of this?
doubt it
Would it be best to get my HGV licence over here first, or should I just go and get a licence over there?
you would probably need lots and lots of experience of driving big rigs in north america
Would Canada even let a UK person into their gaff?
nope, not unless you can prove that no canadian can do what you can do. could maybe marry a canadian
Any constructive answers would be welcomed.
Slightly off topic but Ice Road Truckers is the best show currently on telly!
I hate people, and think that most humans are complete morons, so I am thinking of going to the Arctic circle in Canada and becoming and Ice Road Trucker.
And you call us the morons?
I have a shotgun; would you like to borrow it?