Icecold's mobility thread

Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007

- the quality of your tissue directly effects your strength
- muscle weakness can be a direct result of gummed up fascia
- poor tissue quality can affect joint positioning and therefore strength
- improper fascial connections (stuck where they aren't meant to be) effects muscle firing sequence and output

Essentially, what I've been saying forever.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Simple rule of thumb:

It's ok to stretch before lifting as long as you aren't trying to find new range.

Well, unless you're lifting very submaximally.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007

Hopefully what you're experiencing is due to some tightness somewhere pulling on your knee. This could be due to squat technique, but is also likely to be mirrored in daily movement (walking) or posture (sitting or leaning). If it is tightness then Dom's advice of attacking all of the soft tissue around the knee is great, because there will be all kinds of compensatory tightness as well as what is causing the initial destabilisation.

Look at your feet too. Make sure they aren't collapsing.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Sorry, forget to say it's triceps tendonitis. I had tennis elbow as well but that went away after I rested it for a few months.
The worst movement for it is flexing the elbow
Some form of soft tissue work.

Voodoo wrapping would be a good place to start.
Need some advice.

I need to do some foot>knee>hip alignments and my Physio has just given me a new routine which includes the following:

Head over and forward.
Right thigh in neutral
Bum back, flex lower back.
left left heel from floor keeping toes on floor.
Tummy relaxed
Repeat 3 / 4 times and switch over side.

The objective is to put emphasis on the gluts, to take the strain away from the adductors.. which are currently overloading.

I can't seem to remember form. Any idea what this may be and any videos if you know.

Sorry mate, I can't work that one out.
Ice: I'm confused, I've read a couple of articles now basically slandering 'Shoulder blades together and down' - Here

I also read the other day that instead of doing the above you should 'hug' your rib cage with your shoulder blades rather than pinch them together?

Shed some light on my small brain cells
This is because the scaps together cue has the potential to diminish scap function, but it can save your shoulders from other dysfunction and explosion.

If you can wrap your head around it, the ideal is a more neutral shoulder with the humerus back in the socket. This requires a good lever of shoulder mobility, and range in the pec and t-spine.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
The ones that link directly to youtube should still work. It's pretty easy to search for what you're looking for on the new MWOD site.

For you, filter for "shoulder" and "thoracic spine".
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