Icecold's mobility thread

Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
The outside edge and all of the 3 or so inches before it inserts.

Your biggest problem is going to be convincing your scaps to move on your rib cage properly. Fixing tight pecs is kind of step 1 here, then comes a crap tonne of scap pinching/depressing/shrugging and shoulder external rotation work.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Yes, some areas require constant attention. A prime example of this is shoulders and pecs (unless you stop benching!).

Other areas only need occasional or much lighter work.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Never heard of them, but the exercises I've posted in here are free :) google for intrinsic foot muscle exercises and you should find some helpful stuff.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
I fixed mine with core work and stretching.

Read the core stuff in the exercise guide.

Emphasise PPT doing the modified reverse crunch I posted about in KD's log (or the "ice crunch" as he called it).

PPT all the time basically.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Balls I forgot to get a video!

Reverse crunch with ppt and leg extension at the bottom. Form check.
Much more aggressive PPT.

Slower negative, go slower as your arse gets closer to the floor. Avoid "dumping" your hips onto the ground - they actually never really want to be at rest, instead having constant PPT.

Slower leg movement, with a pause at full extension.
With all the Thai boxing and the increased volume in my lifting, my lower back is getting really pumped and often quite stiff hen I hit the gym.

Any recommended stretches I can do before training (this includes before MT as well) Ice (or anyone else) that will help loosen it up? The old school lying on the floor and lifting your head up does nothing but stiffen it up more :p

I still do the hip/glute stretches you recommended a long time ago and they are great :)
No stretches! Basically none ever.

Firstly, I'd try investigating to see if there were any form faults resulting in too much lower back movement (any is too much for all lifting, obviously not the case for your MT).

The only reliable remedy beyond that is using a lacrosse ball/foam roller and attacking it until the pain goes/you pass out.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
No stretching in the lower back is a rule of thumb that applies more often than not. I'd only ever let a professional prescribe it.

However, what you'll find is that soft tissue work is more than enough to loosen it up. After smashing it, try touching your toes (as much of a lower back stretch as I'd do myself) and you'll see what I mean.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Foam roll whenever, but from what you describe it's more likely now that there is a technique issue (or you're just slightly more tweaked than you're able to cure with 1 session of rolling).

Does the video Delvis posted ring any bells?
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Gah, through general posture, sleeping and a physical week, I'm feeling real sore on that bit between the shoulders and the neck (sort of where it joins). Painful to the touch.

How do I ease through this ache?

I think you misunderstand what this thread is for.
Reading this back, I sound like a douche.

Let me be a little bit more helpful.

A small amount of reading in this thread would have told you that a lot muscle soreness is best attacked with soft tissue massage techniques and some stretching. A bit more research would have allowed you to tell us exactly what muscle was sore, which would mean we wouldn't have to guess.

Also, your posture is your responsibility to fix. It's literally as simple as finding out how to stand/sit, and just doing it all the time. If you can't do that, I can't help you.

Your posts in this subforum have come across as a bit lazy, to me anyway. It would help you tremendously to read some of the resources here and elsewhere, as not only would you know more, but your questions could be more targeted and you wouldn't be asking people to rehash often repeated fundamentals to provide you with the appropriate information.

Read that back, I still sound like a douche...
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007

Remembering to mobilise more frequently is hugely beneficial. It's like time under tension with lifting weights, only more painful and you get weirder looks.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
There are some hip capsule specific things that I can show you when you come to Iffley, but I'd bet literally sitting on your lacrosse ball and attacking those hamstring/adductor insertions would help. For maximum grundle punishment you'll need to do this o a solid chair/bench/whatever
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