icecold's training log

What did you lift at this comp last time? Presumably you'll be working up to your openers on Monday too?
Squat 195 210 220
Bench 130 140 145f
Deadlift 220 :o:D

This was in the weight class above because of pounding food to recover from the hammy tear. In the 83kg class my best is 190/130/220 from last June I think (on my adductor tear!), so PBs will be comfortable!

Also, this is the most injury free I've been in the run up to a comp since my first one. That is miserable! :D
200/220/240 as your squat figures? :p

Actually... ;)
Training 28/01/13

Good lord! Why was I looking forward to today?! Clearly I'd forgotten...

So today all lifts are done with ZERO psych up. Literally walk up to the bar calm and get it done. Feels like the weights are absolutely battering me :(

bar x lots
190x1 urgh!
200x1 a lot better, very comfortable

bar x lots
130x1 terrible! But this is actually because I'm really tight in my pecs, and there was no lacross ball :(

180x1 slow!
200x1 better
220x1 not bad


Thank god.
Well that's my opinion too.

I've heard of powerlifters doing it both ways.

I haven't found myself being over psyched though. For me it's mostly about focus.
Thanks :)

LiE is following my advise, for better or worse :p

1 rep at ~90% on monday isn't a lot of stress, so it's still pretty much a week off. If I hadn't seen my physio I might have done some speed work last night, but it doesn't make a huge amount of difference.
1 day before comp update

Making weight won't be a problem. I've hovered around 84.5kg all week and today I dipped below 84kg, and this is before any dehydration.

Low carbing this week was an ordeal, but only because carbs are so damn tasty. My energy levels have felt fine. On Thursday I went shopping for stuff to take to the comp and experienced strong "food madness", which is a term I just made up describing what happens when you food shop while hungry AND you've been low carbing. It apparently means that you end up buying all kinds of flavoured milk.

Physically, I'm feeling mixed. I think as training went heavy and sleep was limited in the few weeks prior to this one have resulted in a few injuries accumulating. My quad issue still hasn't gone away; my physio says that it will take a couple of sessions (and a few weeks of rest - nah) to fix it, but I was limited to one this week because he's had all kinds of novovirus/kidney stone snaps. Shoulders also feel like aids.

Overall, I still feel pretty good. Excited for the day too, it's going to be fun to see everyone.
Morning weight: 83.1kg


Right then!

The plan for now is gainz. I may do a comp in April, but I won't prep for it unless it falls on a deload week in the training plan I'm building. I will compete in whatever weight class I'm in at the time. I think in some ways having comps where I'm hoping to hit certain lifts or recover from injuries in time for causes poor training decisions. A Saturday training session may well emerge as well, depending on how I cope with my increased squatting volume.

I'm going to slowly add more food and see where my weight goes. Faster training sessions are required too, I need to make sure I can get in the required food after training.

This weeks food is going to be pretty dirty compared to normal, but when I start my new training block I'm going to keep it fairly tidy. Probably aim to put on around a kg or so per month.

There will be serious amounts of pizza this wednesday though!
Training 12/2/13

185x2x3 - STILL too much DOMS in my quads
Took ages to convince my legs that this was a good idea. Almost bailed 160kg, VMOs just completely refused play.

Paused bench

Wide grip bench

Tricep cable push down/OH superset

Cable row

Short rests on everything tonight, partly to compensate for a slightly lighter day. Going to be continuing this theme for a while, especially on assistance stuff for them gainz.

Legs were still completely shot from Fridays leg session with Stoodles, to the extent that stairs were a genuine obstacle. Probably the worst DOMS ever, which if you know my training history you'll know is impressive. Take away a man's quads with leg extension pre-exhaustion and he will fall over on rep 1 of bodyweight lunges in front of everyone.

Pancake backload tonight. Goodnight sweet lean.
Happy Valenbro Day!

Training 14/2/13

STILL got leg DOMS! :o I think I topped up on Tuesday.

warm ups
Not too bad. Tried to keep my rests short. Plagued by quad and lower back DOMS too so kept it very easy. Got to try and get back to my regular m/w/f gym days so I'm squatting and paused deadlifting tomorrow :(

90 second rests. Not fun!

Dips - 60 second rests
bw x 8
10kg x 8
I've had massive AIDS in my left shoulder all week, to the point of being concerned about AC joint separation. I was treating these as a testing of the waters, because I've always found dips very kind on my shoulders. Worked out well, I was careful with positioning and got a good stretch and some blood through the muscles. Shoulders are now 60% less AIDS.

bw x 8
Light with shorts rests and full hip flexion. Using this more as a warm down and active stretch. It was still tiring :o

Cable shoulder stuff
Not much done here, aggravated my shoulder a bit. Ended up just doing a few sets of no money drill.


Pretty good little session. It definitely looks like I'm holding on to a bit more mass already, even though that's essentially impossible. I have been taking a bath of tren 3x daily though, and the volleyball girls were training tonight delivering extra test gains hhhnnnnnggggg
I was thinking I might give it a go on Saturday. Can't say I'm optimistic of getting anywhere near your time though. Back when I was doing HST I think I did sets of 10 hang clean to push press with 70kg, and that left me on the floor!

Warm up sets have become cardio, 2/10 conditioning at best. Looking forward to grace! D:
Yeah none of my mass is conditioned for endurance at all. Given the longer "off season" that I'm planning I have a chance to work on that a bit, which also fits well with hypertrophy.

I'll definitely give it a go, I'm always up for destroying myself with potentially stupid training :D
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