Icelandic Volcanic Eruption - Significant Disruption to UK Flights

keep an eye on the 0.5 Hz to 1-2hz for God & Esk, God is going up, when 1-2 hz peek to 1400 thats when the eruption occurs.
ATM it's normal up and down trend at the moment.

also notice that when ESK peeked 400, Katla Aka God peek went to 1200 ;)

And how do you know that?

Thing is, there is no long term / historical trend availble, so we cannot tell what is normal or not!

Better than nothing

Don't know why you lot seem to be using the other graph. It seems to have risen quite a bit a few days ago and now steadily rising (ish).

Unfortunately i'm not educated enough in reading seismic data to know what it actually means.

An Image that shows where all the stations are located


Been looking for that for ages!
The program 10pm-11pm on FIVE tonight was interesting - Air crash investigations on the 1982 BA flight that flew through an ash cloud
Mutter ..... still waiting for JAL to let us know when we can be flown back from Tokyo ...

They are being chased by our tour company and their Japanese handling agents pretty hard as the hotel bill for holding us in Tokyo is going to be pretty large so obviously they want to send us home as soon as possible.
Didnt know If I should make a new thread or throw it in here. But it seems everyones favorite cheap git airline has decided it wants to not only break EU Rules but also the law aswell regarding passenger rights.

Read this and laugh at just how rubbish ryan air are. I wouldnt touch this airline with a barge pole lol.

I really do hope the take them to the cleaners thats shocking. You dont just agree to EU rules then not when it suits you.
Seems reasonable to assume that it's not The Volcano that's causing it as from watching the news it seems to suggest that the eruption there is calming down a bit. As to when and if Katla blows there's no precedent as far as I'm aware to draw any real reliable conclusions from it.
Use the longer term one!

The blue and green linesappears to currently be above the point where Ejaajjakkkk,,sa,,d,a,, (we'll call it Jake, yes?), JAKE blew his top last week.

I presume that's bad?

the reason why the activity at god is higher is because it sits between katla and eyja, so when eyja is erupting it disturbs the god seismic report. john seach who is a volcanologist has confirmed that eyja is decreasing in activity, which should give us more accurate results. if katla is going to erupt also check HVO on the chart this is on the east side of katla volcano.

at the moment katla is still quiet, and the tremors are most likely from the magma chambers.
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take mount etna that constantly erupts, magma is molten rock brought up from the earths crust. as you go deeper into the crust it gets hotter, so when a crack occurs in the earths crust from the tectonic plates, and theres enough gas/pressure the molten rock/magma will start to push through
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It's constantly getting recycled - as new crust is formed in locations along (for instance) the mid-atlantic ridge like Iceland there are subduction zones (like along the South American East coast) where the older crust gets forced down under the continental land mass and it melts :)
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