iCue 7000x Build

And here she is will all get rgb goodness.

I’ve decided to call this build About Time as it has been months from when I first started this post to actually getting everything in the case.
Biggest problem was the CableMod cables being a pain in the arse to clip in to not only the motherboard but also the asus Thor psu.
This confirms that it’s a problem with the cables and not the motherboard or psu.
The problem was so that when we thought we had the sata power cable plugged in it wasn’t seated properly so the HD’s didn’t show in the bios.

thats fantastic mate was definitely worth the wait
really like you put the front rad that way up
so looks like you got the drain port at the absolute bottom
see a lot of people who dont get the drain port as low as possible

definitely different tubing routing from most builds
really like it too
silly question but your cpu block has the inlet on the left?
just curious as think mines on the right

if i had to nit pick one thing
it would be if theres any way to make the power cables to the gpu tidier
looks fine until goes under the flow meter
but thats just a very minor thing probably just needs a cable comb
hell my builds a mess compared to that lol
so got a cheek to mention it :cry::cry:

that a 3d printed add on to the rear fan?
thats fantastic mate was definitely worth the wait
really like you put the front rad that way up
so looks like you got the drain port at the absolute bottom
see a lot of people who dont get the drain port as low as possible

definitely different tubing routing from most builds
really like it too
silly question but your cpu block has the inlet on the left?
just curious as think mines on the right

if i had to nit pick one thing
it would be if theres any way to make the power cables to the gpu tidier
looks fine until goes under the flow meter
but thats just a very minor thing probably just needs a cable comb
hell my builds a mess compared to that lol
so got a cheek to mention it :cry::cry:

that a 3d printed add on to the rear fan?

the gpu cable isn’t mine. It was Liam’s. I borrowed it as the one I ordered didn’t turn up I have mine on it now which has combs.
The rear fan isn’t 3D printed it just has an acrylic cut plate that attaches to it
It also idles at 28c.
Will do a stress test when it’s finally connected to the monitors and post temps.
Gotta learn how to overclock amd as it’s different from intel.
28c idle is good
Mines a bit higher than that
Though mines not truly idling as got lot of background stuff
I played around with overclocking mine
But in the end I just set it to auto
There's some headroom for overclocking
Though it's not massive like the good old 2600k days
I think I used a tool by guy called 1sthmus he's pretty well known
If I spelled that right
Forgot the name of the software but think he's got new one
For 5xxx CPU
There's also ryzen master by AMD
Don't forget to turn on resizable BAR since you have 3xxx GPU
Depends how you stress test of course
But should see way lower temperature than Intel

And you were right about the frosted tube
Some of its catching the light from the LEDs
And kind of glowing
Wonder if you could add led strips somewhere
To make more of the tubes do it

PS. Great job @liamstears
Love it when people can help each other
If I ever go hard-line I know who to call :)
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Overall I think the build came out well, did some interesting tube bends that look great now it's all together
Think you did a great job mate
Didn't take the shortest
Or most obvious routes with the tubing
Which is what I would have done
As not got an ounce of artistic talent
In my whole body :cry::cry:
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