Identify this bird?

100% a robin. An adult female most likely, as she has a yellow beak but not too dark a head. Males have very black heads. Also the behaviour totally fits, most small British birds won't put up a fight, but robins can be quite vicious around winter when food is scarce.
Not best picture ,it is about the size of a blackbird,chases off other birds etc
Been here a few days and my google fu has failed me

I think it's a Robin as it has the red chest. They fluff themselves up in the cold and can look quite large, especially if it's an adult, like a larger sparrow. They are also very territorial. Jays are quite a bit larger (like a half size magpie), and the ones in the UK are brown and white with electric blue wing panels and longer tails.
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If it is about Blackbird / Thrush size and looks like a cross between a Robin and a Thrush, it is probably a Redwing - there seem to be a fair few about down South at the moment, they eat holly berries and are quite shy.
Eastern Bluebird
leucistic robin was my first thought.
Whiting would indicate that and its chest hasn't really lost colour from juve colours.
If it's acting territorial like that and chasing off other birds then ties in with being a robin also.

So yeah, could be wrong, but that's my best guess on this one :)
Looks a good bit smaller than a Blackbird to me!
Way too stout and small in the head to be a Fieldfare. If it was a FF you are VERY unlikely to see one and only one hang around for days on end. Would have mates with him for sure and would not act territorial like you are seeing.
Fieldfare, definitely

It's a winter visitor like redwing

It's has all the markings so can't really be anything else
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