If Richard Branson offered you 2 million pounds...

17 Feb 2006
Tbh they are seriously low &ages. I would happily poke a va-jay-jay for £10k, let alone £50k!

You know it took me about three re-reads to figure out what you were saying here.

Wages? Pages? Ages?

Finally figured it was an abbreviation of "percentages". Kids and their txt speak :p
17 Apr 2009
2 million - no way. How are you going to explain that kind of lifestyle changing money to your friends and family? Do you really want to explain to your mum and sister that you got rogered by Branson with his beard scratching your ear as he whispers sweet nothings to you? As for your mates? Well, it'd always be your round and they'd take the donkey's until the day you died. Hell, they'd probably arrange for it to be on your tombstone.

If I could explain it while wearing an Armani suit, sitting in the drivers seat of my Aston then in all honesty I'd have no problem with that. If the taunting gets wearing I could always check the time on that Rolex that I bought, then tell them I have to rush off because I have a meeting with the bank manager about how best to invest the remaining money, so that I can live more comfortably off the interest than they do from working their backsides off.
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