"If we had to slaughter our own meat, we'd all be vegetarian"

17 Jan 2011
I don't and haven't hunted/fished for my dinner before, but I know I'd have no issue doing it.

The problem is the attachment to the animal. A dog for instance would be harder to do if he's your companion, but a cow, deer, rabbit etc, no problem.
15 Feb 2011
Lancing, Sussex
I don't and haven't hunted/fished for my dinner before, but I know I'd have no issue doing it.

The problem is the attachment to the animal. A dog for instance would be harder to do if he's your companion, but a cow, deer, rabbit etc, no problem.

Pretty much this.

I wouldn't dream of hurting my cats but some places in the world they're bred simply for people to eat. I'm sure if I grew attached to certain animals that I eat at the moment then I'd feel differently but fortunately I don't. Perhaps not though, as growing up you've learnt to deal with the fact that livestock such as pigs, cows and chickens are food for us. It's just we generally don't see how they're killed.

I'm sure the first couple of times killing an animal to eat for someone like me would be sad but I reckon I'd get over it. I love my veggies but there's no way I'd stop eating meat :)
29 Jan 2008
Dont quite get what you are saying here.

I'm saying both are unnecessary and both done just for the enjoyment - either enjoying the taste of flesh or enjoying the sport of hunting/fishing.

Ive tried diets where its mainly vegetables and i found it un-sustainable and unhealthy.

I find i need to have both in moderation to live a healthy lifestyle. Others may disagree but thats thier opinion. Theres benifts in both, and they suppliment the body differently.

Its not just an opinion its a fact - humans don't need meat in order to live healthily. Vegetarians actually tend to live healthier lifestyles than people who eat meat:


Like i said there in no "fun" in killing.

well there clearly is for some people else they wouldn't do it as a hobby
26 Dec 2009
I'm saying both are unnecessary and both done just for the enjoyment - either enjoying the taste of flesh or enjoying the sport of hunting/fishing.

I disagree, i find it neccessary, others dont.

Its not just an opinion its a fact - humans don't need meat in order to live healthily. Vegetarians actually tend to live healthier lifestyles than people who eat meat:


Its not fact, its opinion. Some can some cant. Do you want me to post something up stating the benifits of eating meat? Its not going to make my opinion fact though as you are doing with yours. Also give the FACT a lot of health professionals suggest having a balanced and varied diet i also disagree.

well there clearly is for some people else they wouldn't do it as a hobby

And thats contrary to what i stated, how? I said i think there is no/shouldnt be enjoyment in killing and i find it distasteful. If your hunting for food fair play, if your doing it for fun, I FIND it wrong.
I find killing for sport abhorrent.

Killing for sport is for fun, theres no fun in killing in my opinion.
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29 Jan 2008
I disagree, i find it neccessary, others dont.

well it isn't necessary, you're just misinformed

Its not fact, its opinion. Some can some cant. Do you want me to post something up stating the benifits of eating meat? Its not going to make my opinion fact though as you are doing with yours. Also give the FACT a lot of health professionals suggest having a balanced and varied diet i also disagree.

No it is a fact - humans don't need to eat meat. Vegetarian diets have already been shown to be more than sufficient as per the previous link. Please fee free to show something to the contrary if you like.

Whether you're killing for sport or killing (indirectly) for food both are unnecessary. FWIW I don't kill animals for sport but I've got no objection to it and don't see it as any more or less abhorrent than me supporting the killing of animals for food through purchasing meat products I've got no real need for but simply enjoy consuming. The animal killed for me to enjoy the taste of was bred/managed for that purpose as was the pheasant shot by some toff and probably also used for food later.
26 Dec 2009
well it isn't necessary, you're just misinformed

I disagree, i believe you are misinformed. I said earlier life is not about just "surviving", you can survive without sunlight or just about anything else. Doesnt make it a good thing. Ive also stated ive tried both diets and found i couldnt manage with just eating vegetables, as others have also mentioned.

No it is a fact - humans don't need to eat meat. Vegetarian diets have already been shown to be more than sufficient as per the previous link. Please fee free to show something to the contrary if you like.

I find it amusing you state your opinion as fact, rather big headed of you. Unless your using an absured extreme of what we can actually manage to just about manage to live off? as you can do that with about anything. I dont get pleasure out of a varied diet, i find it neccessary.

Im not here to post links back and forth, you are well aware and capable of doing a google search yourself.


Whether you're killing for sport or killing (indirectly) for food both are unnecessary. FWIW I don't kill animals for sport but I've got no objection to it and don't see it as any more or less abhorrent than me supporting the killing of animals for food through purchasing meat products I've got no real need for but simply enjoy consuming. The animal killed for me to enjoy the taste of was bred/managed for that purpose as was the pheasant shot by some toff and probably also used for food later.

Again thats YOUR opinion, please try to seperate this FACT.

Again i stated if some "toff" shoots a pheasant and eats it later i have no problem with it, how did you miss this. If he finds joy in the actual killing, then yes i find it abhorrent.

I have a problem with people hurting animals, simply for fun. I have made this clear numerous times, but you appear to be missing the point. Furthermore, and im sure you agree, there are more ethical ways to kill animals than chasing them with hounds and shooting them ;)

I believe a balanced a varied diet is a healthy way to live your life, hence making it neccessary. you dont, great for you.

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18 Oct 2002
I fish, I buy unto seeded met u have to prepare, I have no difficulties killing an animal in pain that needs to be euthanized ( but I treat cruelty and needless death to animals the same As human babies, and I am not kidding- touting an animal is no different to touring a baby in my mind)

I might eat less meat due to practical reasons. I do worry about animal welfare. That does stop me believing it is fair to eat meat.
29 Sep 2003
Not darn sarf
If we had to slaughter our own meat i'd guess people would have far more respect of where it came from.

Its one of the things I really wish I had the money and time to do - raise my own stock.
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26 Feb 2007
I think some people are missing the point of this thread, 99.9% of people would kill an animal if the alternative was starving to death, and watching your family starve.

If it's not really needed, as in, you can go down tescos and get some quorn or whatever, I bet there would be quite a few people going vegetarian.

Myself, I'd most likely still kill the odd animal, but my meat intake (ooer) would be a lot lower than it is now.
24 Aug 2006
Oh and I'm soft because I don't think I could kill an innocent animal that has just as much right to remain alive as I do? Just so I could enjoy the taste of its meat that really isn't necessary for my survival or nowadays even a healthy diet.
Do you think a lion or tiger would have the same level of consideration that you have? we didn't get to the top of the food chain to eat tofu
4 Nov 2004
If we all had to go into the abattoir and slaughter our own meat, a lot more of us would be vegetarian"

I guess it doesn't have quite the same effect :p

What a narrow perspective you have. Meat isn't and doesn't have to be slaughtered in an abattoir. Some of the best meat I've ever had was prepared at home and not as part of an industrial process.

From your posts OP it's quite easy to class you as a 'carer' rather than a 'thinker' or 'doer'. Nothing wrong with that, we're all different, but this is where you differ from many who are the other 2 types.

I for one can't wait to stalk, hunt, kill, prepare and enjoy some meat and I know it'll be the best I've ever tasted.

19 Feb 2010
I have no qualms about fishing and eating my catch, done that plenty of times, but I'd struggle with killing a sheep or a cow tbh!
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