"If we had to slaughter our own meat, we'd all be vegetarian"

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
I'd probably eat whatever was easiest. If there were plenty of fruit and veg around easily accessible then I'd probably live off that. If all the veg was manky and involved a 50 mile round trip on foot then I'd probably look into slaughter.

Currently both veg and meat is easily obtainable from vendors so I have a mix of both.
5 Jul 2007
Been goat hunting many a time. Fresh goat cooked on a gas burner in the middle of nowhere - yum!

The first few times I shot a rabbit, goat, pig, fox, pheasant, etc I felt bad, but nowadays just shoot and eat.

Went hunting and brought back some wild Turkeys and Peacocks! Also own a sea kayak and catch sea fish for that fresh fish taste.

Hunting and fishing here is still a big thing so loads of people do it. Back in the UK I never saw wild turkeys, goats, etc but they are everywhere here!

Whenever I have to buy meat from a supermarket I try to make sure the eggs/meat are free range. Barn eggs are just wrong.
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6 Nov 2004
"If we had to slaughter our own meat, we'd all be vegetarian"

I'd disagree, personally.

The 'cruelty' as we sometimes see is with killing animals for food has a lot to do with the mass production, wholesale slaughter, factory killing of animals - at least in western culture. But because most of us never get to see the inside of an abattoir, it's a bit 'out of sight out of mind'.

It might sound like a little 'circle of life hippy bs', but I think people might have a little more respect for animals (certainly as food) were they to have to actually kill and prep them themselves - this might not hold strictly true for some cultures where religious observance dictates the method of killing (I'm talking about halal meat here), but on the whole, there'd be more of a connection with where the food comes from and perhaps more understanding or even recognition of the fact that it means the taking of another life to sustain your own.

I might not like the idea of killing a fwuffy wabbit for food, but I've done that before. Dispatching a cow would be no less meaningful, but it might present more of a logistical challenge.

I think perhaps most people who hunt for food approach it with two things in mind - economy of time and effort; you need to kill quickly and efficiently. Usually the fastest way to kill an animal is the most humane.

Then there's the whole 'thrill of the hunt'... if you've never hunted and killed anything for food you'll not really understand that. I guess it's something very evolutionary primitive and part of all carnivores instinct. In purely biological terms, the 'thrill' is simply the body's response to what could be a dangerous situation, where it needs to be at peak strength and agility and responsiveness; see massive spike in adrenaline and other hormones.
I know humans don't have to chase the prey down and sink their fangs into its neck to kill it, we have more modern means of hunting food now, but all of those biological preparations are still present.
11 Oct 2008
"If we had to slaughter our own meat, we'd all be vegetarian"
I'd disagree, personally.

I might not like the idea of killing a fwuffy wabbit for food, but I've done that before. Dispatching a cow would be no less meaningful, but it might present more of a logistical challenge.

I think perhaps most people who hunt for food approach it with two things in mind - economy of time and effort; you need to kill quickly and efficiently. Usually the fastest way to kill an animal is the most humane.
Pretty much my position also.
As long as it's swift and painless, I don't know what the problem is.
21 Oct 2002
Having done 9 months in the killing section of a chicken processing factory, I would have no qualms about killing and eating chickens at least.

Every thing else, well, i'd probably come to that when I couldnt find any more chickens.
29 Jan 2008
I find it amusing you state your opinion as fact, rather big headed of you. Unless your using an absured extreme of what we can actually manage to just about manage to live off? as you can do that with about anything. I dont get pleasure out of a varied diet, i find it neccessary.

Because it is fact - humans don't need meat to survive or even to have a varied diet, its perfectly possible to live very healthily on a vegetarian diet. I'm stating this is a fact because it is - the evidence is already there in the millions of humans around the world currently living on vegetarian diets. I'm not a vegetarian but I'm not naive enough to believe that me eating meat is actually required in order to live healthily, its simply a choice because I like meat.

Im not here to post links back and forth, you are well aware and capable of doing a google search yourself.

I have done thus I'm able to state the above fact - vegetarian diets can be perfectly healthy, we don't need meat, the fact you can't speaks volumes for your position. The reality is that vegetarian diets are perfectly healthy and meat is in no way necessary for humans to live a healthy balance life.

I have a problem with people hurting animals, simply for fun. I have made this clear numerous times, but you appear to be missing the point.

I'm not missing anything I'm just pointing out that I don't think killing/hurting animals for the pleasure of tasting their flesh is too different - in both cases the killing is unnecessary and done for our enjoyment.
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12 May 2004
This was a point made in the film Earthlings, which gives an insight into the terrible cruelty we have inflicted upon animals.

What do you think? If it came to be the only way of obtaining meat, could you kill an animal? I know I certainly couldn't.

If you was hungry enough you would eat anything or anybody.
31 Dec 2007
There is a study from America that proves vegans and vegetarians have lower cases of hear disease and colon cancer than meat eaters, so enjoy your early death ;)
27 Jul 2007
I'm against hunting for fun, I've always thought it a bit pathetic really.

But, hunting to put meat on the table as thousands of Americans and Euros do every year is something I have no problem with at all. It's not pleasant, but slaughter houses in 'western' countries are about as humane as they can be given the job they are doing.

Personally, I find boning out meat cuts fascinating, and have watched butchery of deer and entire cow carcasses on youtube. I suppose if I had to kill my own animals I wouldn't like it, but I'd do it if need be.
20 May 2007
Oh and I'm soft because I don't think I could kill an innocent animal that has just as much right to remain alive as I do? Just so I could enjoy the taste of its meat that really isn't necessary for my survival or nowadays even a healthy diet.

lol, gay


You have clearly been watching too many Disney films.
4 Jun 2011
I still fail to see why those vegetarians wont eat meat, but still eat fish which is a meat. You cant be picky, if you want to stop eating meat, then stop eating meat, you cant pick and choose your meats. If you eat fish, you can eat any other meat.

I actually think less of human beings for being vegetarians.

Imagine a lion that became a vegetation, you would think "what a soppy lion" same for human beings really.
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18 Jun 2010
I completley agree with you on "vegetarians" who eat fish, you can't make exceptions like that and say you're a vegetarian if you still eat something that lived a conscious existence - it's pretty stupid.

I actually think less of human beings for being vegetarians.

Why? of course you're entitled to your opinion but because vegetarians made a conscious decision to not eat meat you see yourself as superior human being? that's pretty laughable.

Evoss said:
Imagine a lion that became a vegetation, you would think "what a soppy lion" same for human beings really.
Yes, it's exactly the same because it's not like us humans can think beyond instinctive nature.

Just to put it out there i'm not against eating meat at all, it's natural and has always been the way of life for humans survival - but in our age, I do see it as something that's now unnecessary (again, people still want their meat that's fine with me) since you can live a perfectly healthy (if, healthier) life without any meat in your diet.
29 Jan 2008
I still fail to see why those vegetarians wont eat meat, but still eat fish which is a meat. You cant be picky, if you want to stop eating meat, then stop eating meat, you cant pick and choose your meats. If you eat fish, you can eat any other meat.

Why can't you?

I'd wager that plenty of meat eaters who own cats or dogs wouldn't eat cat or dog meat? I don't think I'd eat dog myself - I also don't personally eat veal and I think foie gras is pretty unethical too (though did try it once), I'll try to buy free range chicken etc... If they're claiming to be vegetarian and still eating fish then their definition is slightly flawed but I don't see why someone can't adopt a pescatarian diet, especially if they object to say modern farming methods or view fishing as less cruel etc...
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