If you could go back in time to one Musical event

Pantera, any show really, although early to mid 90's would've been peak.

Soundgarden in the early 90's too, I was fortunate to see them live twice but Chris Cornell's voice was mind-blowing back then:

Guns N Roses pretty much anytime late 80's/early 90's, although from I've seen maybe Paris 92 if I had to say a specific one
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Spike Island, Roses, 1990. Me and my brother went and it was epic.

Renaissance, 1993, NYE event was also another epic moment in my life and suppose it is a music event :)
My college leaving evening gig in 1994.
I was in the middle of an 'intimate' moment with my dream girl and left her hanging to go absolutely muller a load of covers for 20 mins.

She never spoke to me again and I've never touched a drum kit since, would deffo do it differently next time.
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