If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

I'd Most likely have Diablo 2 re-made and re-released I had so much hours of my life wasted on that drug of a game :D
Wang Computer said:
I prey for the day when Diablo 3 is released. However, given the success of World of Warcraft, I'd say it seems unlikely now.

Really I want Diablo 3 to be released I hate WoW so much I tried it and it doesn't seem as great as what diablo was, Diablo had the story the chars and the PVP. WoW has well just the Chars the PVP you gotta wait hours for unless you wanna go out with pvp and get slaughtered by 60 lv60 chars. Plus having to lv upto 40 was so long just to get a mount I gave up at 32 or 33 :D
Betty_Swallocks said:
My vote has to go to Carmageddon 2. Simply the best gameplay of any driving game I've played. And I've played most of them.
C2 was a significant improvement over the original Carmageddon and the third in the series is best not mentioned at all.
Imagine if they kept the gameplay exactly the same but gave us NFS:MW standards of graphics? Fantastic.
This was about the first thing that came to my mind, but GTA3 with its get out the car shianigans would be a good adon.

Also liked the Speedball (on Amiga), Chaos Engine(on Amiga), AVP2 suggestions.

Wouldnt be surprised if Ive got those Amiga games in the loft, but the Amiga itself was chucked.
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Another vote for Wing Commander, i can just imagine it running using the IL2 Pacific Islands engine.

And could you imagine Pong using FEAR graphics :D
Yewen said:
Another thought, not a pc game but if I could get Wonder Boy in Moster World.

That would be ace, step aside RPG's, the wonder boy is back!

I actually brought a second hand Megadrive just to play this game. I could always get as far as the end boss and then die hoplessly...

But on subject I would like to see the entire infinity engine Baldur's Gate games all rolled up into one huge RPG with a cutting edge Graphics engine and spoken dialect throughout.

It goes without saying that it would have to still be under the original AD&D rules.
sargatanas said:
final Fantasy 7, it has to be. Its a legend, and local games shops round here sell it for £25 2nd hand :eek: .

Your wish may one day come true if Square-Enix decide to re-release it on the PS3.
ic1male said:
Your wish may one day come true if Square-Enix decide to re-release it on the PS3.

that idea keeps getting scrapped then reinstated. itll probably turn into a duke nukem forever game
Deus Ex

Definitely X-Wing, or Tie Fighter (or both!)

And why has no one mentioned Grim Fandango? That deserves another release, it was a great game. :D
Deus Ex - what a game that was!!! best FPS I played bar HL/HL2/CS!! bring it back ffs!!! :D

erm, Sensible World of Soccer with bumped GFX but still as fast would be neat, too!
geeza said:
hi-octane aswell. that was one good racer for when i was made

I used to love that game. I played it a couple of years ago and my computer was to fast for it, it was maddness :)

Road rage would be pretty neat!
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