If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

Kudos to those who mentioned Syndicate/Syndicate Wars!
Syndicate Wars has gotta be my most played game ever, still have it installed and fire it up for a blast every now and then. Tho I usually end up getting absorbed, sack the mission off and sit there for hours blowing up buildings! :D
I'd sell my soul to see it re-made properly!

Also Blood and System Shock 2 = win!
Need for Speed : Test Drive II

I loved this game so much because it had a Porsche 959 against a Ferrari and I always went for the 959, was really basic but such good fun ( I think from around 1989 or so)

Make it into a Multiplayer game!

Anyone remember how many systems were in that game? :eek:

Failing that:

Cannon Fodder!
Well Elite IV: The Next Encounter is out on the 29th September (all being well) and I can't wait anyway my list:

Games that have a chance of being made
Little Big Adventure 3
Dungeon Keeper 3
System Shock 3
Resident Evil

Games that I'd love to be made but no chance really
Turrican 2 proper sequel
Dungeon Master 3 - 2 was okay but too short
Dizzy remake - as suggested elsewhere
Speedball - again as mentioned elsewhere
D/Generation - little known game - it was excellent and took up a hell of a lof of my time
afraser2k said:
Tie Fighter (only as I preferred the Imperials in Star Wars games) :cool:
A remake of this could be soooo good, not only in terms of graphics but also the amount of other ships on screen/scene at once. Not to mention the multiplayer possibilities. :cool:
I think me and my friend played Chaos Engine on the Amiga for hours on end, such a good game.



Ukadder said:
Would have to say Ultima Online for me!
I would agree. Get a lovely engine and also bin all the 'recent' crappy expansions that they felt the need to put in to make things more interesting! (we don't need Elves with sunglasses and a market swamped with uber leet items). Items matter more than your character build these days, there are more and more 'safe' land masses...... I could go on. Put it back the way it was, update the graphics and it would be great :D
That'd be amazing if he did manage multiplayer, I didnt like frontier much at the time tbh. Apparently he split from the co developer of Elite and doesnt pay him any royalty payments

Like the other two Elite games, it has been re-released as shareware and can be freely downloaded from the Elite Club site].

Another thought, not a pc game but if I could get Wonder Boy in Moster World.

That would be ace, step aside RPG's, the wonder boy is back!
Vegeta said:
Kingpin - unmatched multiplayer for me dm and bm had me gripped for years i'd still play but I doubt anyone still players it.

Carmageddon 2 - Love it also, soo much fun and selection choice.
Snap... absolutely loved it

Hello you :D
Fulcrum said:
Need for speed is coming out on xbox360 isnt it or is it all different now?

All completely different now unfortunately but you are right I believe there are Need for Speed games out already for the X360

I was reading that GL has restructured ILM / SkyWalker Sound and LucasArts and there is a possibility of more games coming out directly thru them rather than thru 3rd parties who have a licence for Star Wars themed games.
The original Ghost Recon, Just bought the gold edition and am loving it.
Would be great with latest graphics and sound. Bettter than the futeristic pap thats just been released.
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