If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

Fulcrum said:
Very easy, Stuntcarracer. It almost got remade a few years back but the company with the rights to it went bust! :(

Ever driven a drag racer on a roller coaster? well wouldnt that be fun eh :cool:
Have you tried Trackmania Nations? You like that if you like Stunt Car Racer!
Google for a link (sorry), as it is a free download! (Online only.)
McDaniel said:
Personally, id love to see a very up2 date System Shock 2 - like i say the gameplay elemetns in theory would be unchanged etc..

But SS2 is by far the scariest game EVER - i dont normally get scared, or jump or things like that but my god this game was scary as hell - i would love to play it all updated and nice.

I wonder if there will be a SS3?

me too, it's probably my favourite game of all time. the only other contender imo would be syndicate, it's older so an update would be more noticeable, plus theres already lots of hi-res and new textures to download for SS2. SS3 would be great, but not gonna happen anytime soon, some kinda problem with the rights to it, but BioShock (SS2's "spiritual" successor) looks good.
Rhys said:
I think Syndicate Wars would be a lot of fun. I think it would have to be GTA:SA type GFX engine mixed with Black and White.


*starts following Rhys*
It will have to be Final Fantasy 7 (but knowing Sony and their current thinking, they'll make it like PS3 Exclusive, period.)

So I'll say definitely Planescape: Torment.
GhostFace said:
Well it would have to be:



it was awesome in co-op. A new LBA or Kingpin wouldn't go amiss though.

i've still got that somewhere, class game! got quite near to completing it too iirc.
I would have to say Interstate '76 as I played that with my mate forever and also Alien Breed as we used to love that in co-op mode.
For me, it would be Xenon 2: Megablast or The Chaos Engine. Both from the Amiga and they were my favourite games for years!
Viral said:
I would have to say Interstate '76

that would be so good! GTA:SA type engine/environment, but in a big desert with few people, and like gangs and stuff. no cops - just you. I loved that game, some of it was well hard though. pity interstate 82 sucked so much though.
X-Com Apocalypse, they lost it after that. UFO enemy Unknown and Terror from the deep were also good, but Apocalypse all the way. The new ones do it no justice :(
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