If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

Haven't X-wing and Tie-fighter been rereleased already with updated graphics? I'm sure they were, using the X-wing Alliance engine...
jim5000 said:
Haven't X-wing and Tie-fighter been rereleased already with updated graphics? I'm sure they were, using the X-wing Alliance engine...

A collectors edition was realeased years ago of x-wing and tie fighter with updated graphics but nothing recently. There is an update for X-wing alliance with improved graphics but thats about it as far as i know.
Give me Alpha Centauri with proper 3D graphics (Not the Civ 4 ones, ugh :eek: ) and the terrain manipulation kept intact!
Otherwise, the original 2 Thief games; Deadly Shadows just departs too far from the originals to be perfect for me. (Completed them all on expert at least twice though!)

In perhaps 10 years I'd like to see Deus Ex redone. Or even better a proper Deus Ex 2. But at the moment I think graphically it's fine. Could look nicer but doesn't look terrible for its age.
A remake of Zelda: Link to the Past would be awesome; with the style of the new one. But since this is PC games, and I don't just want to repeat System Shock 2 (though that's my first choice)...

American McGee's Alice. It looked fantastic a few years ago, and I bet it'd look incredible with current technology.
Very easy, Stuntcarracer. It almost got remade a few years back but the company with the rights to it went bust! :(

Ever driven a drag racer on a roller coaster? well wouldnt that be fun eh :cool:
would love to see some of the classic Lucas Arts titles redone.I've been playing DOTT on a psp recently where it looks o.k,I also tried it via my pc on a widescreen Dell monitor,it looked terrible I could almost count the polygons.
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