If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

All the games i want have all been mentioned :p

Elite 2 : Frontier
This game keeps me coming back for more, normally i can't stand these sort of games, no story, no indication of what to do or where to go.
But i don't think there's any other single player game that has taken up so much of my time.

System Shock 2 and Syndicate come close.

Honerable mention to Dungeon Keeper as well :D
Tie Fighter, Baldur's Gate, Magic Carpet, Theme Hospital, FFVII would be my picks :)

Tie Fighter was the best of the flight sim series, followed by XWA and XWing imo.
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Third Opinion said:

Nice choice blew me away when i first played this on ps1 g-police with x3 engine hmmms nice!

Would still like to see kingpin come back "welcome to pornomatic!" :p was awesome in MP too how great was that flame thrower "oooo ah ooo er er argghhh " class :) ,which engine i dunno HL2 or farcry maybe?
James J said:
AVP on the crysis engine = yes please

Yeh that would be seriously immense. :o

Deus Ex with a new graphics engine aswell, CoD UO maps on CoD 2 would pwn but thats not really a release...
In terms of a re-release, I'd love to see Quakeworld come out tomorrow so that it could gain a massive new player base and some more attention. I still play it more than any other game but it'd be pretty cool to expand the scene and start seeing it played in pro tournaments etc.

For singleplayer, I'd say a Carmageddon remake would be pretty fab. A PC version of Street Fighter Alpha 2 would be great as well.

Some kind of scrolling beat'em up would be most welcome, I've tried Beats of Rage but didn't like it much.
Yeh, some of the games mentioned here I would love to see up to date versions.

System Shock 2
Dizzy (would be cool if they did a remake of all of them)
Quake 1 & 2 (updated graphs n sound...wicked!)
The original UFO's remade. (three of them)
Eurpoean Air War
Janes WW2 Fighters
Unreal (+ addon packs)
Jedi Knight games
StarWars Racer
X-Wing Vs Tie-Fighter

I could go on and on. ;)
HangTime said:
In terms of a re-release, I'd love to see Quakeworld come out tomorrow so that it could gain a massive new player base and some more attention. I still play it more than any other game but it'd be pretty cool to expand the scene and start seeing it played in pro tournaments etc.

For singleplayer, I'd say a Carmageddon remake would be pretty fab. A PC version of Street Fighter Alpha 2 would be great as well.

Some kind of scrolling beat'em up would be most welcome, I've tried Beats of Rage but didn't like it much.

Something like Fighting force with a decent physics engine would rock in co-op mode :D
Need for speed road challenge. That game was just incredible. I wish ea went back to the road challenge style than the mod this, tune that, crash into a car head on and drive off perfectly.
DailyGeek said:
Something like Fighting force with a decent physics engine would rock in co-op mode :D

Yeah I played the demo of Fighting Force (late 97/early 98 I think) and that was the last scrolling beat'em'up I've seen on the PC that was much cop.
SOF and C&C renegade, however I would just want graphics and bugs. Don't want the physics or any other aspect of *** game play ruined by 2days standards. Just nice graphics please.
Alexrose1uk said:
Tie Fighter was the best of the flight sim series, followed by XWA and XWing imo.

If LA released an X-Wing/Tie-Fighter re-make, both original games in one package, unchanged in gameplay except for DX9 graphics and the same mission/battle builder from XW:A that lets you have your own space sandpit I would cream my pants daily.

LA could single-handledly bring back a huge PC revival if they did things like this, sales would be through the roof.

Tie Fighter is undoubtedly in the Top 5 games ever made (imo), it was pretty near faultless, some of the best hours of my life (seriously, and I do "get out") were spent playing that game. :D
oo ooo ooo, i forgot xcom enemy unknown, terror from the deep and apocalypse. I would love to play through them again with updated graphics, although those games are still more playable in there current state than most new titles these days.
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