If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

Horse crap. Seriously, a dog doing something that's an inconvenience if you stand in warrants a £50 fine, yet a horse can drop a de-facto navigational hazard in the road and on the footpath and it's all good.

Talk about double standards.
The divide between rich people and poor people. It should be illegal for the richest person to be more than 10x richer than the poorest person...
Using mobile phones at the wheel. Oh wait, IT BLOODY IS

Smoking in cars when they are moving. Worse than a mobile tbqfh.

Don't understand this at all, how is smoking worse? Mobiles are definitely a distraction, people look at the screen, etc. Smoking to a smoker is like second nature, it causes no distraction to what you are doing what so ever.
Alcohol without a shadow of a doubt.

*Shakes in fear*.
I'd make eating any meat you had not killed yourself illegal.

Or a friend/family member had killed for the sake of being fair to those less fortunate.

I think that more people should be aware of where their food comes from, but to suggest we have to kill all our meat ourselves is just impractical for the majority of the population who live in cities and can't get to a slaughterhouse. I'd like to see visits to farms & slaughterhouses organised in Home Economics at school, instead of making cupcakes and cushions.
Why not? Then if the richest person helps the poorest person the base clock increases and the multiplier allows them to be even richer...

I'm not sure what the CPU joke is about?

Aaaaanyway... It's a toxic mentality that punishes positive behaviour rather than encouraging it. Just because I cannot afford a Ferrari, luxury holidays in Monte Carlo or a 10 bedroom mansion doesn't mean that other people should be forbidden from affording them.

Yea other than that naked flame thing. You are golden! herpderp.

Spoken like somebody who has no idea what they're talking about.
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