If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

Arrogant, ignorant, self-centred ***** who think they're far too important to sit in a traffic queue, and instead drive in another lane all the way to the cutoff point and then force their way in to the lane they ACTUALLY knew they wanted to be in! Scum!

That closure doesn't stop you using the road to that point, so by queueing in a single lane and neglecting the to-be-ending segment, you're effectively causing a longer queue for that single lane.

Just use the lane and cut in? :o
That closure doesn't stop you using the road to that point, so by queueing in a single lane and neglecting the to-be-ending segment, you're effectively causing a longer queue for that single lane.

Just use the lane and cut in? :o

If everyone did that, everyone would make slower progress - so no, it doesn't.
Again, that would slow down progress. Why do it?

No it wouldn't.

If you have a road that is two lanes but goes into one, the most efficient use is if the traffic use both lanes up to the merge point where the cars slot in alternately. So a car in the closing lane slots in, then the car in the open lane that is now behind it goes through and another car from the closing lane slots in behind that and so on and so on like a zip coming together.

The less the closing lane is used, and the further up the cars merge the less efficient the traffic flow will be.
The fact that you say "cut off point" makes me think you are talking about when a road/lane is closed or when two lanes become one. Is that what you mean?

No. On my commute there's a dual carriageway. The inside lane is a direct straight line into town. The outside lane goes over a flyover and off onto a different road.

Every day you see people driving down the outside lane (which is usually significantly less busy and therefore moves a lot faster than the inside lane), and when they get near the flyover they *suddenly* realise they want to be in the left hand lane and then force their way in.
..what would it be?

I would have public spitting a heavily fine-able offense.

There is absolutely no need and it is bloody disgusting seeing hocked up phlegm everywhere and even worse witnessing someone do it.

How about you?

That's not illegal in the UK? Damn!

It's an offence here in Jersey.
Just thought of another one today, those bloody xenon lights or whatever they're called. All the boy racers in town seems to have them on their polished pieces of turd cars, they're so bright that I swear they should be illegal.
One probably causes the other. People get fed up of sitting behind drivers dithering along and causing queues, so they try and find a space to overtake .... sometimes with consequences.

Would your version of 'dithering' be doing the regulated speed limit?
I'd love to see how many young drivers in accidents (or any age fio rthat matter) who admit to overtaking other drivers who were doing the correct speed.
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