If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

What is embarrassing is your reluctance to get the gist of someone's point or what they are trying to convey if it includes some minor (and often ridiculously technical) error in it; which means you completely sidetrack the issue at hand to attempt to belittle that person because they don't have a Masters Degree in Theology & Religious Studies.

He's got a pretty good point there Castiel, you do seem to be the master of obfuscation.
Again, never mentioned 'Christian Values' either.

What is embarrassing is your reluctance to get the gist of someone's point or what they are trying to convey if it includes some minor (and often ridiculously technical) error in it; which means you completely sidetrack the issue at hand to attempt to belittle that person because they don't have a Masters Degree in Theology & Religious Studies.

Unlike you I'm disregarding your post above because it's rubbish and incongruent with the debate Theonany and I were having, not because you've spelt 'embarrassing' incorrectly.

Haha..I'm addressing claims made by you and simply explaining why they are largely unrepresentative. You can try to wiggle out of it as much as you want, but there it is nonetheless.

Look...referencing the Bible in the context of the Gospels and Christian Values.

Furthermore, given the Bible advocates rape, slavery, killing your neighbour for working on a Sunday, homophobia, infanticide etc etc etc I suggest that few people take their morality (thankfully) from the Gospels. Rather they find the bits that match their morals and spout
them as 'Christian Values'.

The irony!!!!!

......as I said Theopany has the measure of you
Haha..I'm addressing claims made by you and simply explaining why they are largely unrepresentative. You can try to wiggle out of it as much as you want, but there it is nonetheless.

Look...referencing the Bible in the context of the Gospels and Christian Values.

The irony!!!!!

......as I said Theopany has the measure of you

You've done it again, picking me up on the use of the word 'gospels' (there are Jewish Gospels as you know but let's not go down that road) and completely ignoring the main point. That being that the Bible (as in the collection of books ranging from the Old Testament to the New) does contain sentences that in part glorify, justify or promote things like rape, slavery, killing for working on a Sunday, homophobia, infanticide etc.

So how about we stick to the topic (whether holy scripture is a source of morality or not) instead of trying to play a game of who have the biggest (R)e-penis?
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So how about we stick to the topic (whether holy scripture is a source of morality or not) instead of trying to play a game of who have the biggest (R)e-penis?

The topic is if you could make one currently legal thing illegal, what would it be. Not whether holy scripture is a source of morality or not. I fully realise that many threads stray off topic in GD but they usually resemble something to do with the OP. This is quite an interesting thread (you & Castiel's bickering notwithstanding) so let's get it back on topic. So, how about both of you shut up and agree to disagree and let's get back on topic.
I'd make this argument between estebanrey and Castiel illegal. Can we do that, please.

How far off topic are you guys planning to take this thread? Enough already!

The topic is if you could make one currently legal thing illegal, what would it be. Not whether holy scripture is a source of morality or not. I fully realise that many threads stray off topic in GD but they usually resemble something to do with the OP. This is quite an interesting thread (you & Castiel's bickering notwithstanding) so let's get it back on topic. So, how about both of you shut up and agree to disagree and let's get back on topic.

ALL this +1 ^^ Just stop boy's please...
So to sumarise:

As far as the bible is concerned, God is a complete **** who murders millions of people, hands down ridiculous laws, holds homophobic and racist views, despite creating homosexuals, rapes a virgin, kills is only son, appears once in 13 billion years, but only to a crackpot junkie half way up a mountain where no one else can see, before becoming a moral hub for weak minded people who apparently cannot live life properly without believing in this cod****.

Seems legit.
You've done it again, picking me up on the use of the word 'gospels' (there are Jewish Gospels as you know but let's not go down that road) and completely ignoring the main point. That being that the Bible (as in the collection of books ranging from the Old Testament to the New) does contain sentences that in part glorify, justify or promote the things I listed above.

So how about we stick to the topic (whether holy scripture is a source of morality or not) instead of trying to play a game of who have the biggest (R)e-penis?

The Gospels relate to accounts of Jesus of Nazareth. In the Bible, which you were talking about there are only four Gospels...all in the New Testament. The other non canonical Gospels are also about Jesus of Nazareth but are not part of the Bible, be it the Hebrew or the Christian one.

And my posts explain how the Bible when taken in its entirety doesn't promote the things you listed in fact it is quite the opposite. Which undermines the statements made by you in relation to them.

I think it is a reasonable assumption you are referring to Christianity when you put Gospels and Christian Values in the same sentence and the context of your discussion with theophany which also related to Christianity at least from him......but if you want to talk only about how people come to their moral imperatives in a generalisex way then OK, we can lay this part of the debate to rest...maybe you would like to set out what you think informs
peoples morality and I'll chirp in later when I'm not trying to post on a mobile..which is frustratingly slow. :)
The topic is if you could make one currently legal thing illegal, what would it be. Not whether holy scripture is a source of morality or not. I fully realise that many threads stray off topic in GD but they usually resemble something to do with the OP. This is quite an interesting thread (you & Castiel's bickering notwithstanding) so let's get it back on topic. So, how about both of you shut up and agree to disagree and let's get back on topic.

You are quite right...my apologies to everyone...

Estebanrey, if you wish to discuss morality further start a thread and I'll participate.
Weight loss myths and lies :p

Why is it myths and lies? I have 1,490 calories per day, if I eat this or less then I will stand (and have done) to loose a pound a week...

A standard Chocolate Bar is around 220 calories...that's, roughly, 30% (?) of my calorie intake for the day! That means then I cant I have nice dinner or a pudding after dinner cause I caved and had Chocolate

Ergo - make Chocolate illegal, I wont eat it, and I WILL BE THIN!!!!! ;) :p :D
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