This is the problem. You're assuming there has to be a reason. The reason it's caused me so much grief is precisely because there wasn't. If there was any reason why it started it was because I was different due to being the 'new kid' and having a different accent. The continuation over years however was because it became fashionable. There is absolutely nothing in my personality or my social skills which singled me out for or caused the continuation of the bullying.
Take yourself, put yourself back in school and then just have your whole year group intermittently turn on you when it suits. You've not done anything to bring it on, you were just unfortunately the one who drew the short straw. That's the cut and shut of it, as that's how it was for me. It's not even anything to do with being able to fight back or not, because it becomes pretty irrelevent when it's a whole year group constantly doing it.
Now, I'll only ask this once. It was very painful for me to write the above and I only did so as to possibly help someone, somehow. I do not want people trying to turn this back on me. You are all fundamentally ignorant of the facts; you don't know me as a person then or now and you certainly weren't there to witness the events. I'd appreciate it if you all just back the **** off because it's still a sore spot and I'm only going to react badly. There's only so much I can take of trying to explain something for others who are completely idiotic of the reality to say "No you're wrong." and having to repeat myself. I've now reached that quota. This thread isn't about me, so stop.