IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

19 Dec 2006
Just a heads up for those who may have missed it, Oleg has been posting updates and answering a lot of questions again over the last three or four weeks with what appears to be continual updates like we used to get with IL2 :D

Main news thread here:

Foo'bar has a great site up with updates too in case the 1c servers get overloaded:

and a nice teaser image from in game:

Woo so this is finally due out sometime soon. :D I know its been years in development and the release date has kept shifting backwards.
Superb! Will definitely be getting this even though I have no means to play it other than a keyboard and mouse. This has taken them years.. SOmething I dont understand - is the time frame purely 1940?
I don't know about sometime soon but Oleg has stated he has to have the initial release out next year, I know he's made similar statements before and changed them but it's quite a relief to see some proper updates and discussion happening, I can't wait :)
Superb! Will definitely be getting this even though I have no means to play it other than a keyboard and mouse. This has taken them years.. SOmething I dont understand - is the time frame purely 1940?

Get some peripherals, sims can get so immersive with the right kit, it's awesome!

The engine is being designed to be used as a base for various expansions, there is already a Korea sim in development (though it's on hold while everybody works on getting BoB out the door) using the SoW engine, so initially we'll have 1940 BoB with more to follow.
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Get some peripherals, sims can get so immersive with the right kit, it's awesome!

The engine is being designed to be used as a base for various expansions, there is already a Korea sim in development (though it's on hold while everybody works on getting BoB out the door) using the SoW engine, so initially we'll have 1940 BoB with more to follow.

I'll certainly consider some upgrades but haven't a clue what to look out for. Any tips?

I was looking through the images and there are models depicting armour/vehicles from 1944 onwards. That's what made me think.
HOTAS of some sort, Saitek, CH Products, Logitech, plenty of them around, OcUK do a pretty good selection, rudder pedals for the full control feeling and a TrackIR or a webcam and Freetrack for view control.

If you were closer I'd say pop round and have a go but it's a little far :D
oh good lord, ive got bored of il-2 as of late, havent flown with my squad, were all waiting for this, probably one of the most anticipated ww2 flight sims in ages, infact probably the only one lol
Well Oleg's been keeping us informed with weekly updates since I started this thread, followed by a fair amount of Q & A sessions after, gotta love developers who take the time to do that :D

Teaser from this weeks update, DX9 and still unfinished, Oleg says DX11 is going to look best :)

Great stuff...haven't copied over my IL2 since I've gone to Win7. Had just finished the straight down campaign and really enjoyed the different flight style these planes required - felt like a roller coaster going into the dive run!

Looking forward to this.
I've been off gaming altogether for the past 18 months now, but this and DCS: A-10C are looking like more than enough to tempt me into building a new rig and dusting off the X-52 and rudder pedals I have languishing in the loft.
Dano please stop lol thats just stunning, the detail on the window flap handle, the canopy release handle, and the range finder on the gun sight is just making me want to hook up my track ir and have a mooch around that cockpit :(
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I've never played a flight sim before but used to love dog fights in bf1942. Might have to try this. Is it easy to pick up and play or does it take ages to learn?
I've never played a flight sim before but used to love dog fights in bf1942. Might have to try this. Is it easy to pick up and play or does it take ages to learn?

Well it's not out yet so... :)

If you're interested buy yourself a copy of IL2 Sturmovik 1946 which is available on either Steam or from for some ridiculous price, patch it up and head on to this thread:

for some pointers :)
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