IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

btw have they taken the sucky drm off this title yet ?
i remember buying it on steam and i cannot remember the details i used.
wasnt it limited installs ?

IL2 Sturmovik: Cliff of Dover will use the SolidShield DRM solution. SolidShield features a flexible activation process and allows for up to 3 simultaneous game installs.

but i just found this aswell

Is it possible to revoke an installation?
Revocations are not considered, since users get one new activation per month, so if you do somehow manage to burn through your three activations, you only need to wait one month or contact support.

now i just need to remember those details.........
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Think that got removed in one of the very first patches, also, what details? It's a steam game, you just need to log into steam.
Old thread here.

Did this ever get any better? I never did jump on board and now fancied something which might be cheap for some thrills (if it's still alive)
It's still being (slowly) developed by Team Fusion and is certainly better than it was, lots of stuff slated to be added in the next update from what I can see too. Last time I played there was a small online crowd but it was alive. Still worth picking up if you fancy it, I've seen it for under a fiver fairly often.

TeamFusion forum with all the updates and discussion is here:
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