IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Comment from Luthier over on the official 1C forums:

Also, I'm very glad to see most of you guys like the Spitfire video. It was actually a real 100% honest leak that we didn't expect. Both me and Oleg felt that it was still not polished enough to be released, and in any case I would have wanted to splice it up with some outside views, fly a little better, etc.

Now I guess we have to do videos more often, because a handful of screenshots just won't be the same anymore...

Sounds like more vids from here on in :cool:

Not polished enough though?!?!?!? :eek:

Dammit, I'm getting all excited again lol :D
I was gona give 'Wings of Prey' another go as I spent £30 on it but that Spitfire video has convinced me not to bother, it will never come close to what I wanted it to be. Watching that short video is enough for me to know SoW:BoB is what I'm waiting for.
I was gona give 'Wings of Prey' another go as I spent £30 on it but that Spitfire video has convinced me not to bother, it will never come close to what I wanted it to be. Watching that short video is enough for me to know SoW:BoB is what I'm waiting for.

If Gaijin keep patching WoP at their current rate and keep listening to the userbase then it'll be worth playing again for sure, the question is will they be able to get it into a playable simulation state before Oleg gets his masterpiece out of the gates... either way I know I'll be having a week off when Storm of War finally lands on my doormat :D

I kind of liked Wings of Prey but there was something niggling me saying "It is just not quiet right".

This seems to more what I was looking for.
Odd isn't it, that flight simulators have died out over the years and yet between Storm of War, Rise of Flight and DCS we are getting the finest simulators ever.

Cant wait for this.

I seriously cant wait to get into an E/F 109, i do hope they have the F series i know they didnt last long before the G replaced them but i love my F series. Should add i hate Allied planes in WW2 sims for some reason, im ready for the hate mail.
I thought I was the only one :) Nearly always flew a 109 or 190 in IL2. My plane of choice was the 190A8, it is a Beast with those cannons, 1 hit and the target was in pieces.

Hate mail? Gives me something to shoot at ;)

Ha thats if you can find me before i find your six.

I thought I was the only one :) Nearly always flew a 109 or 190 in IL2. My plane of choice was the 190A8, it is a Beast with those cannons, 1 hit and the target was in pieces.


I never did find the 190 a good plane to fly, really twitchy and slow, more or less a high level bomber eater, at least with my 109F usually the F4 i could at least turn and burn with the spits which surprised most people lol granted its almost at stall speed 90% of the time but a quick dive and full throttle and its away.
Slow? the 190? But then I used to Boom and Zoom, I never got in a turning fight in the 190, it would be suicide. With the firepower of the A8, 1 good shot was all you needed, then back up to higher altitude.

The more I talk about this the more I want SoW :)

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