IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Is this what became of "Storm of War: Battle of Britain"?

Yes, name change by the publishers.

Joystick not required but will make a massive difference.

Copy protection, whine to UBI, it's not that bad compared to lots of stuff out there.
Hmm interesting, so DX10 i presume will be used? which is probably the best bet in the general scheme of things as most people will have a DX10 card to bring it to life.
Ah i heard rumours from my squadron it would be vista and up only, something i can now relay back to the members with XP to tell them they dont need to upgrade or anything now lol.
Looking forward to this one! Been playing IL 2 Sturmovik 1946 for a few weeks and I'm slowly realising its the sort of game you need to play and play to get reasonably good (like most sims I suppose)

Also the copy protection does not bother me in the slightest, not buying a game you want because of it is very silly imo
Would a Saitek X52 be appropiate for this game?

Are pedals required?

X52 normal or pro is perfect for the job, many of our squadron use them, Rudder pedals are a somewhat cliche type thing, while the twist stick does the job, it can get a little annoying in some angles of the stick movement, but not that often. Id say get an X52, and if you start to enjoy it and want more, grab the pedals at a later date.
If you want to be any good yes, if your a casual gamer, i guess keyboard and mouse works, must admit back when IL-2 was first released i played with keyboard and mouse for about 2 month before i bought my first stick.

And Xray i believe so.

Thanks for the info! Good that it's not mandatory. I'll probably want a stick after playing it anyway :D

There are some proper goons in there.

One of em calls Steam "Draconian Malware" and one says "Had problems uninstalling it"?

Must be thick as 2 planks.

The players who are "refusing" to purchase this based on the Steamworks integration are mad. One even says they are splitting the community?????

Steamworks integration means entirely the opposite.

They should be thankfull it does not have the usual Ubisoft DRM, they would probably have a heart attack.
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My computer has to be online?

I only connect to the internet twice a day to check my favourite BBS sites.

I know this is sarcasm but i still feel this is worth pointing out:

You can install and play this on a computer that never has and never will have a net connection. This is because you can get an activation code from their website from any computer, this activation code is needed once per installation. So basically if someone was totally cut off from the net, they could still get the activation code from a web-cafe or i imagine even a 3G mobile phone.
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