Is this what became of "Storm of War: Battle of Britain"?
Yes, name change by the publishers.
Joystick not required but will make a massive difference.
Copy protection, whine to UBI, it's not that bad compared to lots of stuff out there.
Is this what became of "Storm of War: Battle of Britain"?
Will NOT be purchasing this game... read why here:
Ubi have downed this ship and she wont be sailing anymore.
Would a Saitek X52 be appropiate for this game?
Are pedals required?
If you want to be any good yes, if your a casual gamer, i guess keyboard and mouse works, must admit back when IL-2 was first released i played with keyboard and mouse for about 2 month before i bought my first stick.
And Xray i believe so.
My computer has to be online?
I only connect to the internet twice a day to check my favourite BBS sites.